Logo Ricardo Vargas


Logo PMFits

PMFits® is an innovative workshop with a hands-on approach to program management. The participants use case studies and a set of programs and decision-making models such as the benefits management, to get a proper understanding of how to decide the right mix of projects to be undertaken.

The methodological basis for all the PMFits' work can be found on the Standard of Program Management published by the Project Management Institute and on the Managing Successful Programmes (MSP) published by the UK Office of Government Commerce (OGC).

No experience required

A diagram depicting a program's flow
A diagram depicting a program's flow
A diagram depicting a program's flow

PMFits® is designed for executives, strategic planning teams, investment planning teams, project managers and others stakeholders involved in the program management or multiple-projects management.

The workshop does not require experience in projects or in program management. All knowledge necessary for comprehension and participation in the workshop will be presented during the training.

How it works

During a one-day seminar, the participants are grouped into teams to support Tiger Screws, a fictitious screw and connector’s factory with global operations. Each team, from the strategic direction of the company, must structure and manage its programs focused on the management of benefits.

Team analysing the programs' data sheet
Team analysing the programs' data sheet
Team analysing the programs' data sheet

Upon receipt of the strategic vision and its direction for the next years, the participants the participants will define and choose the strategic objectives and benefits to be used in the management of the program, as well as evaluate projects of other programs of the company during its execution and finally reach the final result.

In this stage of the workshop, the models of program structuring and execution a program are presented and applied. And in order to ensure understanding of the process, participants will do all the calculations of the Benefits Review Plan with only one data sheet and a basic calculator.

The results will then be analyzed and measured. As each team has a specific program, with a series of projects, each project's performance of each being different, allowing a discussion of the results between groups. At the end of the program, the results are evaluated and revealed.

Scope of the workshop

  • View the result of a specific strategy reflected in project delivery;
  • Understand the importance of pre/post project vision, benefits management and the transition of the final products of each project to the operations;
  • Select strategic objectives and benefits to be followed by a program;
  • Translating business strategic objectives into business results;
  • Use the Benefits Review Map as a simple and objective tool for monitoring benefits;
  • Decomposing high-level strategic direction, grouping multiple demands and gaining better management with gains through resource leveling and acquisitions.

Fact sheet

Basic program

  • Workshop Opening
  • Module I - PMFits® Introduction and Rules
  • Module II - Program Opening
  • Module III - Tiger Screws Company
  • Module IV - Project Execution Planning
  • Module V - Program Execution
  • Module VI - Project Execution
  • Module VII - Updating the Program's Projects' Status
  • Module VIII - Determination of Partial Benefits
  • Module IX - Program Status Evaluation
  • Module X - Final Program Evaluation
  • Module XI - Program Closure
  • Final Conclusions and Closure

Supported standards and methodologies