Building Resilient Organizations

Book cover

Building Resilient Organizations - Best Practices, Tools, and Insights to Thrive in Ever Changing Contexts é outro livro da série que a Brightline™ Initiative produziu em parceria com a Thinkers50 .

Em nossos tempos tumultuados, compreender e alcançar a resiliência nunca foi tão importante. Algumas organizações têm a resiliência em seu DNA. Eles possuem a agilidade mental, cultura e organização para sobreviver e prosperar, não importa o que seja colocado em seu caminho. Building Resilient Organizations está focado em identificar o que diferencia essas empresas, explorando a natureza da resiliência para as organizações. Ao longo do caminho, descobrimos alguns exemplos globais inspiradores de projetos resilientes na prática e algumas ideias inovadoras para os líderes considerarem sobre o que é necessário para ser resiliente no longo prazo. Com contribuições dos principais pensadores e profissionais de todo o mundo, Building Resilient Organizations permitirá que você e sua organização desenvolvam ainda mais a resiliência como um músculo em sua organização.

Ricardo Vargas foi um dos participantes, escreveu o capítulo “Beyond Resilience: Leaders Must Urgently Embrace Antifragility”.

  • edição / 2022
  • 202 páginas
  • ISBN13: 978-1628257793
  • ISBN10: 1628257792
  • Formato: 6.25 x 9.25 inches
  • Idioma: Inglês
  • Publicado por: Thinkers50
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About Thinkers50

The Thinkers50 ( scans, ranks and shares the greatest management ideas of our times. Its definitive global ranking of management thinkers is published every two years.

Since its launch in 2001, the ranking has been topped by Peter Drucker, Michael Porter, CK Prahalad and Clay Christensen. The Thinkers50 Awards have been described by the Financial Times as “the Oscars of management thinking”.

The Thinkers50 has ten established criteria by which thinkers are evaluated – originality of ideas; practicality of ideas; presentation style; written communication; loyalty of followers; business sense; international outlook; rigor of research; impact of ideas and the power
to inspire.

Thinkers50 champions the latest management ideas worldwide. Thinkers50 Europe is a partnership between Thinkers50 and the City of Odense. It hosts the annual Thinkers50 European Business Forum. Thinkers50 China is based in Qingdao and is a partnership with
the Haier Group.


Pierre Le Manh

Organizational Resilience Through Culture
Emil Andersson and Tahirou Assane Oumarou

How to Become Comfortable With Discomfort
Scott D. Anthony

Risk Management is the Key to Innovation
Jonathan Brill

Building Resilience by Leading Change
Chris Clearfield

The Agile Organization’s Secret: Operating Models
Edivandro Carlos Conforto

Why Resilient Organizations Need Generative Leaders
Julia Dhar, Kristy Ellmer, Jim Hemerling, Brittany Heflin, Jens Jahn, and Fanny Potier

Putting Your Organization on the Performance Curve to Support Agility and Resilience
Vanessa Dietzel and Laura Watkins

Recruiting, Retaining, and Leading High Performers
Ruth Gotian

Organizations as Resilient Living Systems
Gudrun Erla Jonsdottir and Bjarni Snæbjörn Jónsson

Building Organizational Resilience: When the Entire
Organization Should Be Engaged and Power Unleashed

Thomas Keil and Marianna Zangrillo
Resilient Leadership: How to Build Resilience and

Help Your Team Thrive
Susie Kennedy

Using the IDEAS Process to Build a Framework for Resilience
Kaihan Krippendorff and Cori Dombroski

Built to Morph: Generative Capacity in the Protean Age
Jeffrey Kuhn

Achieving Resilience Through Structural and Systems Change
David Liddle

Leading Into an Unknown Future: Why Learning Organizations Prove Resilient, but Not Vice Versa
Carsten Linz

Conscious Resilience: A Framework for Building Resilient Organizations
Habeeb Mahaboob, Padmini Ramamurthy, and Huligeshwari Devi

The Path to Resilience: What It Takes to Thrive in the Accelerated Future
Terence Mauri

Transforming for Resilience
Martin Reeves

Gabriele Rosani and Paolo Cervini

Beyond Resilience: Leaders Must Urgently Embrace Antifragility
Ricardo Viana Vargas

Resilience Drives Strategy Execution
Flemming Videriksen and Parisa Louie