
What Matters - YouTube Series

In his new YouTube series, Ricardo takes the viewer on a journey through Portugal's countryside, sharing reflections from his 25 years of a global career in 4 episodes. The series is dedicated to young professionals looking to take their first steps in a professional career.

Lately, time has been neatly divided into two halves. The era “before pandemic” and the other, “post-pandemic”. It is not so easy. The problems faced before have intensified or remained equally challenging. People are confronted with the option of re-inventing ourselves.

The bare truth is that no one knows exactly how or when this coronavirus pandemic will end — or what it will mean for lives, families, and the world. What is known for sure is that the new world is moving towards more uncertainty and complexity.

One night during the global lockdown in May 2020, Ricardo had a long conversation with his daughters about career, money and happiness. He felt their tension with all uncertainties of life. This was the spark for the What Matters series.

"Success is not about money, it is about fulfillment. And fulfillment is the pleasure and hapiness of doing something that matters to you".
Ricardo Vargas

The series does not aim to tell you what kind of career you should choose. It discusses what may make your career joyful and successful.

Episode 01: Passion

Financial success, close relationships, or a great career? What matters most to you for a successful life?

If you are trying to discover the next step in your career for a successful life, then let us travel together to find out truly matters. In this first episode, Ricardo shares one critical component of your career: the passion for what you do.

Starting by showing his passion for Port wine and his move to Portugal, he talks about the importance of finding your passion and how to use that passion to define success for you; no matter your career.

Episode 2: Options

In the second episode, I discuss the importance of having professional options. I also discuss how you can increase these options by improving knowledge, networking and mobility. Finally, I talk about how some discomfort and challenges can bring you the resilience and "antifragility" to succeed.

Episode 3: Roadmap

In the third episode, I share with you the method I use to clearly identify what projects and initiatives I need to undertake to reach my objectives. I show how a sticky note and a flip chart can make a huge difference in how you see and compare and select ideas.

Episode 4: Attitude

In the fourth and last episode, I talk about the importance of reputation and the use of social media. I also discuss our attitude towards failure, empathy, humility and gratitude and how these aspects become fundamental as you progress professionally in life.