

The combination of different delivery methods and a strong focus on project management, agile and business agility, crisis planning and response, and several other management topics, allowing us to support and equip you and your organization to get the job done.

Ricardo Vargas is the global authority in project leadership training, with more than 50,000 professionals trained during his career (online and onsite). We offer courses that range from basic project management concepts and business agility to crisis management and analytical hierarchy process.

During his work on projects, Ricardo was able to develop courses that do not just aim to prepare people to get a specific credential but to make professionals capable of doing the hard work of translating ideas into actual results.

Our courses are delivered onsite and also online. The online delivery comprises two different models: live classes and online learning.

Delivery Methods

Corporate Onsite

In-company courses to private and public organizations. Delivered onsite by Ricardo Vargas worldwide.

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Live Classes

Live virtual classroom led by Ricardo Vargas, allowing for an engaging, personalized, and in-depth learning experience.

Learn at your own speed by accessing our online school. You decide when to start and finish, and there are no deadlines to begin or complete the course.

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Online Learning

Learn at your speed by accessing our online school. You decide when to start, and when to finish, and there are no deadlines to begin or complete the course.

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“Ricardo was one of the main speakers in our worldwide seminar for Project Managers. He transmits passion and engagement for PM activities that encourage us as Project Managers to speed up our pace for development, bringing this way a significant contribution to our business. Also, his communication skills keep the attention of the people and give us a good feeling of “I want to hear more”.”

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“... I hope we have another opportunity in the future to work together again.”

Sergio Favaro Linkedin

Industrial Manager

“Ricardo is one of the professionals who helped me decide to pursue the project manager career. His ability to solve problems with simplicity is fantastic. He is a bright professional.”

Jose Eduardo Garcia Linkedin

Portfolio, Program and Project Manager

“Ricardo Vargas is one of the best MBA professors at FGV. His classes, in addition to providing the students with a very rich experience, they fascinate everyone. Very few people do that. And Ricardo, with his professional expertise and academic excellence, raises the FGV's MBAs in Project Management to another level. It's great to have you on the team, my friend.”

André Valle Linkedin

Academic Coordinator
Fundação Getúlio Vargas

“I have known Ricardo Viana Vargas since 1996, he is very intelligent, energized and enthusiastic, trying to succeed in a subject called "Project Management". At that time, some people talked a lot about the topic, some of them said they used project management, but the vast majority (including me) did not have a clear idea about the subject.”

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“... Ricardo, in a brilliant self-made career as a project manager, professor, speaker and business consultant, has built a world-class brand and associating his name with the project management discipline. Nowadays, project management professionals from all over the world and anyone who takes project management seriously, know the name of this friendly, talented, strongly committed to advancing business results, including large global companies. He is incontestably an effective reference for this subject. For me, besides that, he's still the same simple guy I met years ago. I am very proud to see how a man, overcoming himself and from an early start, can build a new path for him and all of us. Thank you, Ricardo. Thank you, old friend. and go ahead!…"”

Roberto Gattoni Linkedin

Head of Corporate PMO


Corporate Portfolio

In a world marked by volatility, one of the key competencies of organizations is the ability to turn ideas into results that matter.

Download Ricardo Vargas | Macrosolutions corporate folder in PDF. The file contains all of our products and services and can be printed or shared within your organization.
