Project Management Next Generation: The Pillars for Organizational Excellence

Ricardo Vargas, in partnership with Dr. Harold Kerzner and Dr. Al Zeitoun his new publication: Project Management Next Generation: The Pillars for Organizational Excellence. In the book, a team of world-renowned project management leaders delivers an expert discussion on project management implementation in organizations of all kinds.

The book explores 10 pillars of project management that will be critical for companies in the coming decade. It offers contributions from industry changemakers and thought leaders that provide the perfect balance between practical experience across a variety of programs, projects, and transformation initiatives.

Regaining Control: Leading Projects and Delivering Results in Turbulent Times

Whether you are managing a project to bring people back into full participation in the economy following a pandemic, or you are merely overseeing the deployment of a new information technology solution, you will need leaders who can demonstrate the necessary compassion and empathy to cultivate confidence. 

In their new book, Ricardo Vargas and Vince Molinaro discuss how to regain control over our projects through a new leadership contract.

Download This Free Book!

Gerenciamento de Projetos – 9ª Edição

One of the biggest success in the project field, the book "Gerenciamento de Projetos: Estabelecendo Diferenciais Competitivos" is now in its 9th edition, with more than 100,000 books sold since its first release.

This book approaches the project management technique in a practical and direct way, starting from the fundamental basic concepts up to the complex structures and advanced tool in the project control.

Análise de Valor Agregado - 7ª Edição

The seventh edition of the most updated and complete book on Earned Value Analysis, one of the most utilized evaluation and project management tool worldwide and in the U.S. government contracts.

140条推文 让你项目管理快速入门


Chinese edition of the book Planning in 140 Tweets, a book for all professionals who want to learn the key concepts that involve planning activities and project management in a simple, fast and direct way.

التخطيط في ١٤٠ تغريدة

يستهدف هذا الكتاب في محتواه المحامين، والأطباء، وروّاد الأعمال، والباحثين والموظفين الحكوميين، والمهنيين المحترفين الذين يريدون تعلّم المفاهيم الأساسية المتعلقة بنشاطات التخطيط وإدارة المشاريع بطريقة بسيطة وسريعة ومباشرة.   

Arabic edition of the book Planning in 140 Tweets, a book for all professionals who want to learn the key concepts that involve planning activities and project management in a simple, fast and direct way.

Construindo Times Altamente Eficazes

Learn how to turn a group of people into a high-performing team. In a high performance team there is a great level of collaboration and innovation that helps to produce superior results consistently.

Planejamento em 140 Tweets

Braziliam portuguese edition of the book Planning n 140 Tweets, a book for all professionals who want to learn the key concepts that involve planning activities and project management in a simple, fast and direct way.

Planning in 140 Tweets

This book is meant to be read by the lawyer, doctor, entrepreneur, researcher, public servant, ie, for all professionals who want to learn the key concepts that involve planning activities and project management in a simple, fast and direct way.

Planifier en 140 Tweets

Ce livre est destiné à être lu par l’avocat, le médecin, l’entrepreneur, le chercheur, fonctionnaire, soit, par tous les professionnels qui veulent apprendre les concepts clés qui impliquent des activités de planification et de gestion de projet d’une manière simple, rapide et directe.

A French edition of the book Planning in 140 Tweets, a book for all professionals who want to learn the key concepts that involve planning activities and project management in a simple, fast and direct way.

Planificación en 140 Tuits

Este libro es para que sea leído por el abogado, el médico, el empresario, el investigador, el funcionario público, en definitiva, por todos los profesionales que quieran aprender los conceptos clave de las actividades de planificación y gestión de proyectos de una forma sencilla y rápida.

Spanish edition of the book Planning in 140 Tweets, a book for all professionals who want to learn the key concepts that involve planning activities and project management in a simple, fast and direct way.

Pianificare in 140 Tweet

Questo libro è stato scritto per essere letto da avvocati, medici, imprenditori, ricercatori, impiegati pubblici e da tutti i professionisti che vogliano approcciarsi a concetti chiave di pianificazione e project management in modo semplice, veloce e diretto.

Italian edition of the book Planning in 140 Tweets, a book for all professionals who want to learn the key concepts that involve planning activities and project management in a simple, fast and direct way.

Planlægning med 140 Tweets

Denne bog er målrettet advokaten, doktoren, entreprenøren, forskeren etc. Den er for alle professionelle, som vil lære nøglekoncepterne bag det at planlægge og lede projekter enkelt, hurtigt og direkte.

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