Liderança da Alta Gestao em Tempos de Crise

Many people want to change the world, few actually succeed.
Some, imbued with an extraordinary light, are capable of, even more, go to great lengths to bring more prosperity to the lives of others and not just to their own businesses. They keep the economy spinning and provide opportunities, jobs, and can change the entire history of society. During crises, economic challenges, or pandemics, they account for a good part of the economically active population's work on the planet and conduct their followers with mastery. Like humans, they, as members of Senior Management, are also sensitive and show how challenging it can be to deal with employees and even their families in times of fragility. This book makes yet another great contribution, putting their mind and soul into valuable stories to readers.
Ricardo Vargas was one of the collection participants, sharing his professional experience and his work in change and crisis management.
- 1st edition / 2020
- 839 pages
- ISBN13: 978-6586939583
- Dimensions: A4
- Language: Portuguese
- Published by: Academia Européia de Alta Gestão