Project Management
Ensure superior results with our project management courses including Delivering Successful Projects, Managing Complex Projects and our unique approach to accelerate capital projects: Accelerated Planning Using Quick Wins®.
The combination of different delivery methods and a strong focus on project management, agile and business agility, crisis planning and response, and several other management topics, allowing us to support and equip you and your organization to get the job done.
Ricardo Vargas is the global authority in project leadership training, with more than 50,000 professionals trained during his career (online and onsite). We offer courses that range from basic project management concepts and business agility to crisis management and analytical hierarchy process.
During his work on projects, Ricardo was able to develop courses that do not just aim to prepare people to get a specific credential but to make professionals capable of doing the hard work of translating ideas into actual results.
Our courses are delivered onsite and also online. The online delivery comprises two different models: live classes and online learning.
Ensure superior results with our project management courses including Delivering Successful Projects, Managing Complex Projects and our unique approach to accelerate capital projects: Accelerated Planning Using Quick Wins®.
Transforming business agility is the key to long-term survival in a drastically changing global economy. Our work in business and organizational agility goes beyond agile methods.
From business disruptions to natural disasters, an emergency can threaten a company's existence by tarnishing its reputation, damaging its business operations, negatively impacting its finances, or harming its employees.
We help your organization with courses that enable your company to manage risks and seize evolving opportunities by combining our leading experience in risk and crisis management with the most advanced tools and modeling practices available in the marketplace.
We provide training courses that allow your organization to develop and implement the change capabilities and the mindset to become ready to use change as a competitive advantage.
Learn how to address the critical processes and structures to select, implement, monitor, and control the organization's portfolio, including selection criteria, communication aspects, scenario monitoring, and budgeting cycles.
“When I think of Ricardo, I think “Wow”. How can one man accomplish so much? I have had the pleasure to know him since 2002, beginning with him sharing his passion and expertise for project management to ESI clients. Since then, I have watched him go on to grow and launch successful businesses, author books, create new products and services – the list of accomplishments is endless and continues to grow.”
“... Anyone who has the opportunity to work with him, should. Ricardo Vargas is an amazing individual.”
Sales Vice President - Global Business Development
StrategyEx (ESI International)
“I consider Ricardo Vargas as an excellent reference in Project Management in Brazil and worldwide. He inspired me to know and use the PMI proposed practical. Besides, he has an entrepreneurial vision and passion for everything he does. It’s always a pleasure to meet him and talk either personal or virtually.”
“... Ricardo thinks big and is too connected to the subjects concerning management and the significant market changes, or on the economy and society. Indeed, he is an outlier professional.”
Project Manager specialist and Strategic Manager
Banco do Brasil
“Excellent Risk Management introduction course gave outstanding insights even for those who is already been working in this arena. I fully recommend Ricardo Vargas' courses, books, podcasts, etc.”
Process Engineer & Risk Analyst - Blossom Consult
“I have known Ricardo Viana Vargas since 1996, he is very intelligent, energized and enthusiastic, trying to succeed in a subject called "Project Management". At that time, some people talked a lot about the topic, some of them said they used project management, but the vast majority (including me) did not have a clear idea about the subject.”
“... Ricardo, in a brilliant self-made career as a project manager, professor, speaker and business consultant, has built a world-class brand and associating his name with the project management discipline. Nowadays, project management professionals from all over the world and anyone who takes project management seriously, know the name of this friendly, talented, strongly committed to advancing business results, including large global companies. He is incontestably an effective reference for this subject. For me, besides that, he's still the same simple guy I met years ago. I am very proud to see how a man, overcoming himself and from an early start, can build a new path for him and all of us. Thank you, Ricardo. Thank you, old friend. and go ahead!…"”
Head of Corporate PMO
In a world marked by volatility, one of the key competencies of organizations is the ability to turn ideas into results that matter.
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