
Delivering Value and Outcomes Through Programs

Understanding the benefits and savings that result from managing projects in a structured program.

The course has an integrated approach that helps participants understand the full life cycle of a program. It identifies the success factors and shows the alignment between projects in the program.

The participants will understand how to structure a business case, initiate and plan a program, and monitor the results/benefits using the PMI’s best practices of Standard of Program Management and AXELOS's Managing Successful Programmes (MSP).

Delivery Methods

  • Corporate Onsite
  • Live Classes

What You Will Learn

  • Differentiate between projects, programs, and portfolios
  • Define the tactical and strategic benefits of a program
  • Understand a program structure
  • Manage benefits shared among projects
  • Define the roles and responsibilities of a program manager
  • Define and structure metrics for results
  • Identify and solve problems in allocating resources between projects within the program
  • Create and manage the communication plan
  • Identify the main causes of change to unable change control to be effected in the program

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Fact sheet

Estimated duration

16 hours

Target audience

Program managers, project team members, portfolio managers and others stakeholders interested in the program management process.


Desirable project management knowledge.


Portuguese, English and Spanish

Certificate and Badge

Upon completing the course, you will receive a credential issued using the Accredible platform that can be downloaded as a PDF file and also shared on your Linkedin or other social network profiles.

Example credential

See an example credential

Who is this course for?

Program Managers, where work in progress has many dependencies between projects belonging to the program.
Those involved in projects and programs with external teams, thus increasing the complexity of program management.
Those who are members of the Organization’s PMO, responsible for supporting portfólios, programs, and projects teams.
Organizations and teams with low experience in program and project delivery and looking for ways of speeding up the learning curve.