
Assessment and Recovery of Troubled Projects

Identify, assess and learn how to recover troubled projects, minimizing the adverse effects of a failure on your organization and your work team.

According to data from the Standish Group and several other organizations, most projects fail either partially or wholly.

There is currently a thorough study in the area of identification and recovery of troubled projects. In this course, you will learn how to identify the triggers of problems and the indicators which will allow you to effectively respond to challenges.

The course seeks to show a "framework" for responding to troubled projects based on a study and work done by Ricardo Vargas and published in international journals in Brazil, the USA, and China.


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Delivery Methods

  • Corporate Onsite
  • Live Classes
  • Online Learning

What You Will Learn

  • Identify troubled projects
  • Analyze the leading indicators of a troubled project
  • Use techniques for evaluating a troubled project
  • Define the actions needed to recover or close the project
  • Use the decision-making flow
  • Develop the Recovery Plan and what comprises its success factors
  • Record and apply lessons learned
  • Motivate and control the team during the critical periods of the recovery project
  • Manage the emerging risks and implement contingency actions

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Fact sheet

Estimated duration

8 hours

Target audience

Project Managers of troubled projects; teams involved in troubled projects; project recovery teams; compliance and audit teams.


Essential Knowledge of Project Management.


Portuguese and English

Certificate and Badge

Upon completing the course, you will receive a credential issued using the Accredible platform that can be downloaded as a PDF file and also shared on your Linkedin or other social network profiles.

Example credential

See an example credential

Who is this course for?

Those facing troubled projects that need immediate action to put them back on track.
Organizations and teams with low experience in project delivery and looking for ways of speeding up the learning curve.
PMO leaders and recovery teams who are responsible for supporting project teams.
Compliance and Audit Teams

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This course is available online.

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