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Hi everyone, here is Ricardo Vargas and welcome to the 5 Minutes Podcast, a very special podcast because I'm recording here directly from Austin, Texas, from the South by Southwest. And I decided to attend this year because, as you know, I'm working a lot on AI and technology and the impact of technology on Project Management work. And I decided to come here because I want to understand what the future will look like. So, I'm trying to learn what the trends and what people are talking about to prepare myself and to prepare for the content I produce, for the courses, and for whatever I do in the field. And honestly, I'm very surprised because this event first, it's about 70,000 people and the event combines music, cinema, virtual reality, and technology trends, but of course, I had to select the topics I wanted to follow more closely, so I decided to follow more closely AI, of course, AI the implications of AI trends, geopolitics and technology. These were, I would say, the core of what I was looking for. And I started by watching the MIT Technology Review release of the ten trends that I always try to talk about. And, of course, I will not mention all of them. You can watch this presentation and you can check, but some of them were very much related to what I think. For example, small language models instead of only large language models, and why it's some type of optimization because you don't need to have in your phone, for example, a large language model that could solve all possible problems of humanity.
Let's suppose you are a project manager. You can have on your phone a small language model that only helps you with project-related questions. So these will reduce the amount of energy, reduce the training. And this. So, this is a potential trend for 2025. Also, there are a lot of discussions about biotech and its combination with artificial intelligence. And I need to share this with you. This was very, very disruptive for me. Why? Because I always thought that we would develop projects of creating, I would say a computer, a computer processor, or a GPU and implant this like Neuralink. But what they said is the opposite. It's you cultivate neuron cells, and you can create a brain-computer. And this was what Amy Webb said about her trends. And this was one of the most popular sections there. And this is on YouTube, and you can watch it. So brain-computer, and I said, wow, this is completely different. We are talking about instead of using steel. And we were talking about green steel like MIT said, but we are talking about why not? Instead of using steel to resist, I would say make the body of the car; why don't you take a rhino skin that I didn't know, but they said it's about one inch or 2.5cm thick and it's very flexible. And you raise these cells in a lab, and you create a Rhino car.
Instead of using steel, you use rhino skin. I said, wow, this this is crazy. But this may be a reality that is far more close than we think. So this was a very, very hot topic here. So if you, for example, are working in bio in a pharma industry or on related industries, this is a big trend you need to be aware. Another big trend that I saw here is how AI and humans will relate to each other. There are a lot of concerns about AI reducing the choice of humans, AI manipulating humans, and, of course, humans who built AI systems using it to manipulate other humans. So there is a big concern about, for example, Scott Galloway said about young males, specifically males that are much more attached to chatbots, you know, and, and porn sites and this than to real life than to real life, to real experiences to go out and to meet people. So we are creating a generation that could be much more challenging to integrate and to integrate into society with other people. This was very alarming. And this presentation is already also on YouTube, and you can watch it. And last but not least, I talked about vibe coding last week. And if you are listening to me and you work on software development, your company is a software development company, or you work on IT projects in your company, please take note.
Vibe coding. I'm not talking about low code. No code. Look, I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about vibe code. My friend Manuel was with me here, and he's a VC and a venture capitalist. We were talking and, in 15 minutes, were on a break. He and I built a full application, a full website in 15 minutes with zero code, zero talking, just talking, saying I want a store that sells products. I want for each product a view. I was stunned. I never ever saw something like that. And, of course, as a project manager, I immediately imagined what this meant to a schedule. What does this mean to the software development platform? What does this mean to the way we build software? The way we manage, for example. With that, maybe you don't need Agile. You don't need you don't need a storyboard, you don't need anything. You just talk. And the client, like myself, can just talk to AI and they can produce the website for you. Of course, I'm saying it's still not perfect, of course, but it took us 15 minutes. Look, for most of the IT companies, if you are ultra fast to build a prototype, it takes you 1 or 2 weeks, 15 minutes in the break, you know, sitting on an auditorium. So think about that, please, if I will record a podcast just about the vibe coding project and the implication of that in project management. But this is something that will affect fully all of us working with technology and technology projects and will not affect us in 2030.
It will affect us and in a few months coming from here. So they are becoming extremely platforms like GitHub are allowing the training of so many large language models that it becomes really impossible for humans to compete in terms of speed. I was talking to him, even for you to type the code, it takes more than five minutes, 15 minutes. If you type it perfectly, it takes you more than 15 minutes. So, we will see a massive disruption in the way we develop software. And this is something that can be extremely positive and, at the same time, extremely risky and complex to all of us. So, this was the summary. Sorry for my speaking. I would say in a more chaotic way because my mind is completely chaotic today. But next week, I will record a second part of this podcast, telling what I will see from tomorrow up to the day we finish the conference. But it's it's disruption on top of disruption, and honestly, I'm used to disruption. But what I saw here is mind-blowing. Trust me, it's absolutely it's from another planet. It's something that I only thought would be possible in sci-fi movies. And I can't see it's far more close to reality than we thought. Think about that, and see you next week with another 5 Minutes Podcast.