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Hello, everybody. Welcome to the five minutes PM. Podcast Today. I like to discuss with you the main differences between the Mandatory and the discreet, the relationship between two desks in why this is important because when I'm coagulating the critical path and preparing all the scale off of my project, I need to understand which kind of relationship I will find among my tasks that I can manage, that I can rearrange to compress the scandal of my project or to redefine this catalog off of my project. So let's start with the Mandatory military. I recognize it. You ask the hard logic, it's a physical relationship between desks. So you do not have too much control over this relationship because it's physical let's suppose that I have one task build the wall. The auditing task is to paint the wall. So is it possible to paint a wall if I don't build the wall? So this is not a strategic link. This is an issue. With the physical required link, it's an impossible task to make the final test of the software without the software. So I need to wait for this what we call the hard logic or the man that tare Relationships in the order size, Susan Relationships I as a project manager, decide to link to two tasks because there is one strategic interest in this relationship. Let me explain this truth. An example, let's suppose that planning to put the tiles in the wall of my kitchen and also the tiles and the wall of the master bedroom. Okay. So I have two words that are pretty related in different areas of my new home, in what I decided it's like to do these two tasks together. So I create, I start to start the link between these two tasks to make sure that bio has some kind of overlap these two tasks and why I'm doing this, I'm doing this because I will save money in the commitments to prepare the cement, to, to prepare everything for the tiles. I also can save and make a better deal with the contractor that we'll do the service. So why I'm putting in these two tasks, link it because there is one strategic intent on that. There is no physical relationship between the work in the back, the room, and the work in the kitchen are completely different works, but I decide to put them together to make this relationship. Because for us, from a project perspective, I can save time. I can save money. I can have better control over resources, and this is what we call the preferred logic, the soft logic. Okay? So this soft and hard, I love these two terms, soft mints. I create this relationship because it's good for me. The heart, I create this relationship because it's physically required. And why does it show importance? Let's suppose that my sponsor requested me to reduce the Scotto off my project, which on the first tasks that I need to look our is exactly the soft biologics. Because with these connections, I can maybe rearrange them. And if they are on the critical path, I can save some time in the project, the hard logic, the tare deer, not so easy to handle because if I handle this, I can increase dramatically the risk of my project because it's physical. I can not start painting while, or the people are building the wall, the same wall. Maybe the quality will be decreased or something like that. So think always the first action together with crashing, with Fest, tracking, with audit compressions techniques, you can think in how you can rearrange the soft lodged desks, the soft large Relationships that you create with this. You can save a lot of, a lot of time in your project without necessarily increasing the risks dramatically. I hope you enjoy it. I hope you could understand this major aspect in this capital development. And I see you next week with a, not a five minutes BM Podcast.