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Ricardo (4s): Hello, everyone. Welcome to the five minutes PM podcast. The big day has arrived finally, I will be speaking about the sixth edition of the PMBOK guide. So I want to split this talk into two episodes on to podcasts. The first one is I will talk more about the structure of the Guide and then an overview off the Guide. And then next week I plan to talk about each knowledge area where I will talk about some specific changes on each knowledge area. So the first thing I want to tell you, if you go back to the PMBOK 5th Edition, you will remember that the former PMBOK used to have 13 chapters, three on part one and 10 on Part two the three first chapters, they were specifically chapter one and chapter two, much more than that.
Ricardo (53s): What is a project? What is project management? How the organization prepares for projects than the former chapter three use to be the standard in the process of product management, coming from the initiation to the closing processes, and then part two of the former Guide where a chapter four to 13, the 10 knowledge areas. So what changed it? The first thing that changed is that chapter three is not there anymore in the Part one, chapter three was replaced by a very nice and strong chapter about the project manager and the talent triangle.
Ricardo (1m 33s): If you recall the talent triangle, we are talking about a good project management, combined, three different sets of skills. The first one is the technical skills, the technical, the planning skills. The second one is the strategic skills, the third, one of the soft skills or, or the leadership skills. So this third chapter is now talking about it's this project management side. They're not anymore about the process then you may ask me so well, what happened with this processes? This process became a part two of the Guide. So Part one, we have a chapter one and to that are very similar to chapter one and two of the PMBOK 5th Edition chapter three, the new one with the project manager aspects, then chapter four up to 13, the knowledge areas from the integration to a stakeholder manager, and then the former chapter three became part two that is the NC Guide the NC standard for project management.
Ricardo (2m 34s): So if you ask me an advice, how should I read? Because its really is scary when you see 700 pages. So it's really mostly for those who are starting. So it sounds like burocratic are a lot of information. The first thing the PMBOK guide is not a teaching book. It's not a book to teach you how to do projects, but it's much more a reference guide so you need to understand how the process flow. Then you understand how you will implement the dictates. So let me give you an advice. If I were you reading for the first time, I wouldn't read chapter one chapter two and chapter three, then you stop. Then move to chapter, the first chapter of Part two the standard.
Ricardo (3m 16s): Then you'll go back and read the knowledge areas. I think this will give you a much bigger picture, and this is why I created the PMBOK process flow. So I created this flow in a one page to support you, to understand and read the PMBOK in a better way. Another thing that you may ask me is what happened with the process. Do we have more process will changed? So let me be in a more generic or a way here. First, the PMBOK 5th, Edition had a 47 process. Now we have 49 process. Before I explain what changed it. You need to understand one thing, please stop saying that, Oh, to becoming more bureaucratic and more bureaucratic, there is no point.
Ricardo (4m 0s): The project is always something complex. What PMI decided to do on this new addition is to break some of the process to give more clarity and better understanding. So it's much more towards a didactical process to make you understand better. Oh, it's not bureaucratic. It's absolutely obvious. I always say that the PMBOK is pure and simple logic. Okay. So we've tried the new processes, three new processes. The first one, it's an integration process called managed project knowledge in a better way. Let's talk about lessons learnd. This happens during the execution.
Ricardo (4m 41s): So it's just a confirmation that during the execution and the reinforcement that you should address the learning of the project, the second new process is to implement risk response. If you go back to the PMBOK 5th Edition, we talked about planned response, but we don't talk about implementing them. So this is also an execution process. And then last but not least new process is controlled resources. Do you hear that I said, control resources and not human resources. This is a big change. I will talk in the next Podcast is that, you know, human resources became resources that includes human resources, control resources became a part of the monitoring and control.
Ricardo (5m 27s): So if you think 47, plus three we are talking about 50, but one process desappeared was eliminated and this process was the closed procurement. So the closed presurement, that is a closing process does not exist anymore. And The only process that is still remains in the closing process is the close project or fase integration process and all the other process, they are inside this big process. One final big change is that one of the process called estimate activity resources was moved from scale or time to resources to this new area. If you go back to a basic scheduling, you will see that you need to know the resources, the duration and the relationship, so you can build your schedule.
Ricardo (6m 15s): So this used to be on the time or schedule area. So this is moved to this new resource area that I think a full scence on that. So I hope with that, you have an overview, a five, six minutes overview on that. And next week I want to go through each process, given some highlights of what change on each of them. see you next week and I hope you enjoy your time with the new PMBOK. If you are a member of PMI, Don't miss the opportunity to download it in the member's area. See you next week take care.