Canvas and Processes of the PMBOK® Guide – 5th Edition Processes Flow

Make your own Processes Flow!

Download the canvas and the processes shown in the video. Print them and make the flow at your company or classroom.

Available files

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Canvas and processes

Contents of this zip file:
  • A3 paper size file containing the processes flow in light gray.
  • A3 paper size file with all the 47 processes that should be cut and pasted into the flow.
  1. Print the file with the processes flow using an A3 printer. You can also print it larger (e.g. A2) if you will.
  2. Print the file with the processes in the same size in which you printed the flow.
  • File language: English
  • Download count: 30,755
  • File size: 120MB
  • Dimensions: A3 – 297 x 420 mm
Document thumbnail

Matriz e processos

Conteúdo deste arquivo zip:
  • Um arquivo em tamanho A3 contendo o fluxo de processos em cinza claro.
  • Um arquivo em tamanho A3 com todos os 47 processos que devem ser cortados e colados no fluxo.
  1. Imprima o arquivo com o fluxo de processos usando uma impressora A3. Você também pode imprimi-lo maior (por exemplo, A2) se quiser.
  2. Imprima o arquivo com os processos no mesmo tamanho em que você imprimiu o fluxo.
  • File language: Portuguese
  • Download count: 45,276
  • File size: 129.2MB
  • Dimensions: A3 – 297 x 420 mm