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Hello, everybody. Welcome to the five minutes of our podcast today. I like to continue the podcast about this Strategy and the Delta Model and the course that I did at MIT; it's a huge pretension, a way to think that I can't teach you strategy. And two sessions are five minutes each way, but at least I like to share you with you. My perceptions of how important it is to understand that, to do good project management. If we think about the triangle that I finished, the last podcast we have in the bottom, right?
The best product in the bottom left Datto customer solution in the app system, lucky, Oh, Strategy it starts with the best product. The first thing that we need to start on this travel is thinking about the cost. Every single time that we start a new business or a new product, we need to think about cost in the cost. It doesn't mean price or cost optimize the cost of the product or service that I'm developing.
It doesn't mean that built cheap products, but lowest cost provided in the product category. After that, I move to a differentiation market. I started to think about how I could do things differently from my competitors. So let's put one product here, the Apple Mac book, pro the computer and prying to build something different. I'm not dominant in the market, but I'm trying to produce something like that and a different value to the customer.
All brands are here. All brands. If I produce a luxury brand, I will start to differentiate my company in my business. This is not enough. I need to start integrating the customer, how I can understand the customer needs. And then, I move to redefine the customer relationship, customer integration and or Arizona breath. What is that? It, how it can engage, how it can make the customer part of my product development, how I can listen and the client to address a better product for them.
How can I understand what the customer is looking for in not all of my competitors are offering because if I look to the competitors, I will start and to commoditize my business, I will start to compete in the red ocean, how it can compete in the blue, the motion I need to reinvent and reinvent business mince, project management, it's impossible routine take care of all commodities, but projects will handle with all We innovation.
And this transformational piece will let us distort a customer solution. It's how it can engage, how we can make my restaurant more profitable, how I can engage and understand what the client wants so I can address them. Moving up. I will start to be, is recognized by my client as the exclusive channel. Now I move in my business to heaven. What is that? The first thing that the client will mention this year, I think that the client will mention it when he thinks about it, and it's my company.
So, and then he thinks about food. He will think about my restaurant or my appetizer or a, or my vegetable. So I will start to be the exclusive channel. And with that, I will start to be the dominant exchange. Like for example, Google, Google. When you think about search, you think about Google. They are such powerful that we can imagine the world without Google.
And in the last point is the proprietary standard. Is that not always possible, but sometimes you raise a search, a powerful position that you start to be the standard. Let me give an example. The first one, windows or windows. Most of the Valley of Microsoft is led the Zackly by windows by does a star 95% of the market that do huge market.
The second iPod for me is the top, top, top of customer bonding because they have a system that requires you to use iTunes to buy music or to upload music to your iPad. The cell 100 meters, the copies it's unbelievable, the way that they do customer bonding and this brings value to the company brings value to the business. So look, all of this will address two of the right projects.
So imagine if I'm in investing money in Microsoft or in Apple, I'm not investing money on their routine and not investing money on iPod or iPad. I'm investing money in our ability to bring more customer bonding in the future with new clients, with a new proposal, with something that I even imagine right now that could exist. And this is the case key aspect. After that, you can do a balanced scorecard, and you can be the fine your portfolio of projects.
But without thinking about that, we can produce something on time, on a budget that does not deliver any value to that customer and the Valley. So the Strategy and everything that's our learning on that week were customer think. And deck commoditize don't think in the commodity way, every single business can be the commoditized it, and the way of doing the deck commoditization is true for project management because of that, that I'm so passionate about this professional.
I hope you enjoy this too. Podcast, I apologize for spending 10 minutes and trying to explain to you what it is Strategy, but at least I will raise your interest in the subject. I put this book on my list at LinkedIn at Amazon, and you can find a book there its a yellow book, a call Delta Model reinventing your business strategy. And the outer is our nodal hacks. It's a wonderful book. It's a must-read book. See you next week with another five minutes BM Podcast.
Bye. Bye.