Sustainability Indicators for Infrastructure Projects (Ricardo's PhD Thesis)

Original of the thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Civil Engineering at Universidade Federal Fluminense, as a partial requirement for obtaining the Doctor's Degree. Concentration Area: Management, Production and Environment. The thesis was written in Brazilian Portuguese.


Recently, a series of research has sought to identify the best way to disclose aspects of sustainability in infrastructure works that address not only aspects related to the environment. This research seeks to unify a set of sustainability indicators published in a practical, measurable and applicable listing ensuring that the environmental, social and economic aspects of infrastructure projects can be disseminated. A literature review was conducted investigating sustainability indicators in scientific articles and sustainability models in infrastructure projects. Then, the Content Analysis Method was used to compile the 297 indicators identified in a list of 97 sustainability indicators. The indexed indicators were then subjected to Content Validation by previously profiled experts using the Lawshe Index Coefficient. The resulting model consists of 42 user-friendly indicators that address environmental, social and economic aspects. The proposed set of indicators contribute to the advancement of the discussion on sustainability in infrastructure works and supports a transparent data dissemination model of information.

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