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Making the leap

At the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), good project management isn’t just about maximizing efficiencies—it’s about saving lives. UNOPS is an operational arm of the United Nations that oversees thousands of peace-building, humanitarian and development projects around the world. Projects run the gamut from building roads and hospitals to running elections and procuring food and medicine for hard-hit communities.

Mundo PM magazine interview: perspectives in the area

In this interview with Mundo PM magazine, Ricardo Vargas talks about his peculiar trajectory in the area of project management consulting. It also talks about the importance of planning and risk management in the business environment and how it has become a global reference in the area.

Promising future

Belo Horizonte is hosting, this week, the 4th Brazilian Project Management Congress, bringing together speakers such as Ricardo Vargas, president of the Project Management Institute (PMI). The institution that represents a booming career, which gave examples of its performance in the recent world crisis, when project managers were called to place order in the house, adapting plans, seeking opportunities amidst the instability and indicating the best options available to them. to problems. Author of successful books and responsible for over 80 major projects in various countries, Ricardo Vargas explains in this interview why project management is one of the professions of the future.

A war tactic

Interview about the 2014 Football Cup, given by Ricardo Vargas to the newspaper Jornal Amanhã.

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