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Ricardo (4s): Hello, everyone. Welcome to the five minutes PM podcast. I like to talk about one of the biggest challenges of the project manager. It's called Neophobia it's too become afraid of what it is, Neil, why he does, we will all raise it with the concepts surrounding us of stability, our parents, or our first job. Everybody is aiming for predictability for a stability. So when you face new things, it's a challenge because it's a natural feeling of a known. So this is a road that I'm taking, but I don't know exactly when I will see a, a left turn, a right turn or straight ahead.
Ricardo (50s): So I need to understand this. And when I'm talking as a project manager, this is the part of my core life. Because if we go back to the definition of project management, we are talking about temporary and New events. So when I say the word New, I'm saying to something that you are a building is not stable. So these natural feeling is OK, what is not okay? Is a panic. Panic is not. So we need to understand that when we face these new challenges, new projects, it's natural to feel, Oh God, it's a big challenge in look, let me tell you. I have managed several projects, every single new project.
Ricardo (1m 36s): I have this feeling, Oh God, this is New. This is different. Or maybe it's a cultural aspect on that. Project may be is a technical challenge. Maybe its a new deadline. So always I have this feeling of something impossible. Remember I recorded a ready in order Podcast that you receive a new project and when or you leave the room off your sponsor or with the new project, you have the filling of, Oh God, this will not work. If you leave the office of your sponsor, feeling, everything is fine. Everything is okay, trustful, something is wrong, something, or you didn't get what they said to you or they will call you next day and change everything.
Ricardo (2m 20s): Because this is normal projects are always on the borderline of what's possible and impossible. So understand that. So leading with this ambiguity, this is one of the key aspects of the depressions of today's time. People get depressed because they cannot handle this. Ambiguity. People have been challenged every single day and they feel that maybe I am a misfit or the imposter syndrome. When you believe that, Oh God, they don't know how incompetent I am on managing the project. But they decided to use me as the project manager. So all of this is natural. M I want to share with you three quick advices for you to overcome this challenges.
Ricardo (3m 5s): The first one is curiosity. So every time I received a new product after this feeling of, of panic, you know, this is light panic. I try immediately to say, okay, what I can learn from that project. Curiosity. Imagine that your project a please I'm just using this as a metaphor, but thinking like a game, like a child's game, you know, you need to assemble something. You need to understand that piece. Having this curiosity of Understanding this, the second is understand that abs absolutely.
Ricardo (3m 45s): Every body is on the same boat. I don't think that this country Sharon, about what is new, this new phobia, this is something unique too. You know, every single colleague inside your organization, even if they don't show you, I'm sure when they are going to bed at night, they have this same feeling. I have this feeling and like work with this feeling of almost every day. So, and everybody is facing the same challenges every about it. Nobody he is saying no I'm prepared for that because this is not true. And the third one is self awareness.
Ricardo (4m 25s): You are aware, understand that? How about your strengths and your weakness? The self awareness helps you as you were a lot of, for example, I know thinks that trigger my discomfort. So I tried to manage this to not let my mind play with me. I'm not saying it's easy, but the self awareness, I know that some kind of emails, I receive that some kinds of messages, I receive that some kind of movies I watch, they can trigger this feeling. So I tried to manage this with a huge curiosity, because look, if you decided to work into project management arena, it, most of the people today need to manage projects.
Ricardo (5m 12s): You to handle this. It's impossible. You expect predictability. And this is the ability. If you are working on new things and project management is all about implementing new things. So just understand that. Be curious to understand that everybody is on that same boat and self-awareness, these are the three advice's that I can give too. You don't think that you are an imposter managing debt project or that you are afraid. This is our Nacro fillings. Just go ahead with curiosity. Understanding everybody is together and self-awareness, I hope you enjoyed this podcast and see you next week with another five minutes BM Podcast.