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Ricardo (4s): Hello, everyone. Welcome to the five minutes. Be on podcasts. Today I like to talk one more time about the one thing that was one of the key pillars of the valleys of a great project manager and a great human being, by the way, it's about diversity. If we go back and start watching the news. In the past months, we had the sad opportunity to see a lot of sexual harassment cases against women and men by an extremely powerful people, extremely famous people. We have seen recently statements from very relevant people that could be perceived.
Ricardo (45s): It that's racist. We saw a lot of people being discriminated because of their religion or because of their sexual orientation, or even before, because of some kind of disability. In honestly, I truly thought that this was something that was part of our past. And unfortunately it seems that the life is a, is a cycle in a circle. And we are back to this challenges again. So let me be very clear here. And first I want to talk. Technically projects are unique in new projects are innovative projects, require creativity projects that require different thinking.
Ricardo (1m 31s): It's impossible to think differently if you only talk to the same people, if you only talk to the people with the same view as your, so you need to understand that diversity is something that built new ideas. Diversity is something that challenges the current status quo to allow you to see things differently. So it's very important if I go back to my four and a half years at the UN, if I can tell you that probably the biggest asset I take to my life is working with different people and different people means people that had a different childhood.
Ricardo (2m 18s): I'm not saying poor or rich, or just different people with a different belief, people with different religions, people with different views of relationship and these people. I'm not saying just to make friends, but in a project environment to work together, they question things that you may not question. And this is what allow you to see things differently. And this is what makes you succeed as a professional. And I want you to understand that if you do not think that this can be done contribute, you will fail miserably.
Ricardo (2m 58s): You need to understand this. Imagine a football or basketball. Imagine if all players, they are good in one specific skill, the game will not be a good game because you need it. For example, if it's a football, a soccer, someone needs to be able to hold the pole in the goal and not bother needs to be fast to attack. So you need this diversity with a common objective, and this is what builds a team. You cannot have a great team with 11 goalkeepers. This is not what makes that think alike. That give value to the same things.
Ricardo (3m 40s): You know, so it's very, very critical and today's Martin Luther King day. So it's even one more reason for me to record this podcast. So it's unacceptable that we believe that someone is more or less then because of the color of the skin or because the person is gay or straight, or if it's because it's Muslim, it's a Buddhist or a Christian. In reality, when you were delivering a project, this is the difference. We'll Butte, a better product, a better service. And finally, the one word that I use it many, many times, and I want to make you rethink on that.
Ricardo (4m 21s): We talk about intolerance, and then we start saying that we need to tolerate in that. I use it this word a couple of times and say, we need to tolerate difference in a, let me crack that we do not only need to tolerate. We need to foster. We need to embrace because in a planet with 7 billion people with this possible to have every single one think in the like, and then the less time that someone is <inaudible> that the results we're not so positive. We saw this in the second world war. So think about that and think that this is not a self-help please a Podcast.
Ricardo (5m 4s): This is a project management Podcast. If you see the projects I'm handling today, all of them, they embrace this diversity pro geographic gender. And this is what makes my project more successful. Remember that? Enjoy your week. Happy Martin Luther King day and see you next week with another five minutes BM Podcast.