
4 pages were found with this tag.


The Danger of Multitasking in Projects

In this podcast, Ricardo talks about the danger of performing multiple tasks without understanding the implications. He explains that we must always consider the residual time between tasks and the real time (or Takt Time) of each task. The Takt Time concept, according to the, is an adjustable time unit used in lean production to synchronize the rate of production with the rate of demand.


Rethinking the concept of Multitasking and Simultaneous Projects

In this podcast, Ricardo talks about executing multiple projects simultaneously and using the same resources, i.e. multitasking. He explains that we often think that sharing resources across multiple projects can generate the perception that work is evolving, but this can cause delays and loss of quality in work. Ricardo suggests that it is better to concentrate efforts on one project at a time than to do it all at once.

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