All testimonials

“Ricardo brought the virtual teaching experience to another level! The content and practical activities are brilliant and highly applicable in corporate strategy and in meeting personal goals. Finally, I was able to make valuable connections with people from different parts of Brazil and the world, which would not be possible in a face-to-face environment. I strongly recommend PMRank Online.”

Bruno Conte Linkedin

Masters Student - University of London

“PMRank Online brought basic knowledge of portfolio management and essential techniques. They help portfolio and project managers align project expectations with organizations' business strategy through data, facts, and trends created collaboratively. They are vital for strategic alignment, communication, and correctness in the selection of projects.”

Márcio Silva Linkedin

Project Engineering Manager - IIM & Capability lead Brazil & LA - Mondelēz International

“Excellent training that added enormously to my knowledge and professional application. Practical, dynamic, and technological method. The difference is that it "democratized" access in this online modality, because before, only in person. But now, anyone interested in learning from anywhere in the world can too. Thank you very much for the knowledge I could acquire!”

Carlos Fraga Linkedin

Project Manager - Cybersecurity - ISH Tecnologia

“Ricardo and his team once again exceeded expectations regarding the workshop, excellent content, engaged staff, diversified and rich background for exchanging knowledge and networking. Looking forward to the next one!”

Adriana Nair Linkedin

Course Instructor - The Knowledge Academy

“Ricardo Vargas has a fantastic didactic, keeps the class with high energy, and always adds value with practical examples beyond the methodology. Super recommend! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge! Hugs! Monique”

Monique Galvão Linkedin

Vice-President Brazil - Rare

“I knew Ricardo Viana when he was just a student at Brazilian Military Service, and since that time, all his colleagues could feel his strength and leadership. Ricardo was always ready to help us all whatever it takes and also to put up with the difficult challenges that our instructors proposed.”

Bernardo Portugal Linkedin

Invited Professor of the Counselors Development Program - FDC

“Since his early age, he had leadership as natural ability, out of that he was the best student of the Army, and I also know that he figures among the first places at university application tests (vestibular) among all students in UFMG best local university… His professional progress was evident once his academic grades were impressive, the speech skills and managing talent were impressive, as well!”

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“... I am honored to have him as a success benchmark and as a person too.”

Daniel R. Costa Linkedin

Chairman - Take

“Ricardo Viana Vargas is clever, entrepreneur, result-oriented, besides having an outstanding talent for business and being an international reference in project management issues.”

Paulo da Pieve Linkedin

Area Sales Manager - HAZEMAG & EPR Gmbh

“Ricardo loves his job, he is very dedicated and always available to help people. He is a competent professional and reference in project management in Brazil and worldwide.”

Sueli Barroso Oliveira Linkedin

Consultant - Macrosolutions

“I met Ricardo in Miami, Florida. He has another level of knowledge about his work. It is an inspiration for anyone who wants to succeed in business since he is always looking for a better qualification to bring more benefits to his clients. I highly recommend Ricardo Viana as one of the best project management professionals in the world.”

Alessandro Menezes Linkedin

Director - Global Marine Freight Logistics

“Ricardo is a natural leader. His charisma and great communication skills are an example for all those who work in the field. He is a self made man that has achieved great success not only as a profesional but as a person.”

Elizeu Boto Linkedin

Queensland Oil & Gas Sector Lead - Deloitte

“I have been working with Mr Vargas since June of 2001, when I joined PMI Bahia Chapter, in Brazil. Mr Vargas is a great professional, and he is very focused on results. He also has a high level of integrity, being respected for his decisions and clear understanding of roles and responsibilities defined by his organization. He is a very trustworthy partner and has excellent interpersonal relationship skills.”

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“... These characteristics made of him a role model for Project Managers in Brazil.”

Elizeu Boto Linkedin

Queensland Oil & Gas Sector Lead - Deloitte

“I’ve learning from Ricardo as my Component Mentor colleague (from South American region – since the end of 2006) and now as our esteemed PMI BOD member. His availability for helping and exchange impressions is remarkable and for also increasing our local seminars with his impressive lectures based on his professional experiences. He is a very dedicated professional and entrepeneur.”

Paulo Keglevich Linkedin

Managing Director - KSC Projetos

“Vargas is the best professional project management in the world! He is a great motivator for the beginners in this discipline in organizations and colleagues in Brazil. I’ve been privileged to work directly with Vargas and learn from him what is to be proactive, organized and creative.”

Fernando Parreiras Linkedin

CTO - Robbyson

“Ricardo is a great master of Project Management. Joining theoretical and practical knowledge, he demonstrates his experiences and abilities. Moreover, he has been spreading the Brazilian competency in Project Management for all the world. Congratulations and more success.”

Hosmanny Goulart Linkedin

Independent Researcher in Sanitation and Environmental Engineering
Fundação Getúlio Vargas

“Ricardo Viana is an extraordinary professional, proficient in project management. His great skills and objectivity make him one of the best professionals I have ever met.”

Mario Nosoline Linkedin

Executive Creative Director - Arcane Festival

“Ricardo is an excellent person, always available. He is very focused on goals and results, ever reaching and surpassing expectations with mastery. Ricardo still maintains a very good relationship with colleagues. He supports the Brazilian community of project management and shows the world how Brazilian PM works and thinks. His time as chair of PMI was a pride to us.”

Paulo A. Ferreira Linkedin

Owner, Consultant - Applet Apoio a Projetos

“Ricardo is an unbelievable person. Objective, hardworking and visionary. I recognize him as the highest authority in Project Management in Brazil. Congratulations on being relentless! And I’m grateful for your guidance. Best regards!”

Raphael Albergarias Linkedin

Coordinator Agile Project Management Axis - Positive Business Chair / Université de Paris Nanterre

“Ricardo Vargas is a different Professional, not only because of his great knowledge and control over the project management practices but also for his capacity to lead productive teams, focused on goals. The opportunity we had to work together was crowned with great success, we achieved all the established goals, benefiting our client.”

Ricardo Campos Linkedin

Regional Sales Director - B2BR

“Ricardo has always been very supportive to the PMI Chapters, but saying only “supportive” is not enough, he was mentor, sponsor, champion, friend, boss, manager, etc. His project and people management skills inspired a whole Board of Directors when I was the first President of PMI Manaus – Amazonas. Thanks Ricardo, for inspiring me and others that are following you and PMI. Best regards.”

Rubenson Chaves Linkedin

Digital and Innovation Director - Sodexo

“How do we put a great admiration in words? Ricardo Viana Vargas is an example as a professional and, with his capacity, knowledge, integrity and ideas, he influences, not only me but many other project managers.”

Abraão Dahis Linkedin

Graphotechnical Judicial Expert, Architect, GP-PMI