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Celebrating 500 Podcast Episodes - 2020 Review and 2021 Perspectives

This week's episode celebrates the 13th anniversary of the 5 Minutes Podcast and the arrival of a significant milestone: 500 episodes. In this special podcast, Ricardo reviews 2020 and shares his perspectives for 2021. He also shares an interview about podcasts' history and some curious facts, as he has never heard even an episode of his own podcasts. The interview is on your YouTube channel - Link here.


Perspectives for 2014

In this podcast, the last one of 2013, Ricardo talks about his perspectives for next year, in the world of project management. He highlights that the project manager's technical ability is becoming something already established and the professional should seek to differentiate herself to improve her ability to propose new ideas, new approaches, to risk and innovate in the projects.


Perspectives 2013

In this podcast, Ricardo talks about his perspectives for 2013. He said several issues, among them: the continued instability in the external and internal scenarios, strong pressure for results measurement, increasing globalization and why is important to know new countries and their social and economic scenarios.


Perspectives 2012

In this podcast, Ricardo talks about the perspectives for 2012, continuing the subject of the last podcast (Retrospective 2011). He speaks of the continuing challenges in this new year and the opportunities that are born of them. He suggests two very important issues you should study this new year. Also, Ricardo leaves his New Year message, created especially for those who have experienced great difficulties in their work this year.


Perspectives for 2011

In this podcast, Ricardo talks about the opportunities for project management that will happen in 2011. He explains that in Brazil will be many opportunities in the areas of infrastructure, engineering, energy, oil and mining. Ricardo also reinforces that there is a shortage of skilled project managers in Brazil and that the highly qualified foreign competitors are coming in search of opportunities here.


Perspectives for 2010

In this podcast Ricardo makes a journey to the future, talking about the main perspectives for the incoming year. Optimism and opportunities are the keywords for the project managers searching for new challenges. This is the last podcast of 2009.


Perspectives for 2009

In this podcast, Ricardo explains that the year of 2009 will be a challenge for all projects managers because of the limited resources they will be facing. He also mentions that the organizations will be more cautious while selecting their projects because they won't be able to execute everything they wanted. This means that projects managers shall play a fundamental role in their companies.


Perspectives for 2008

In this podcast, the last of 2007, Ricardo Vargas presents what he sees as the main trends for the next year, incluiding challenges and opportunities for the next year. This podcast was recorded only in Brazilian Portuguese. The link below is for the Brazilian Portuguese version.

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