Time Management

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The Trap of Diderot Effect: Never Implement a Feature You Don’t Need

In this week's episode, Ricardo addresses the risks of the Diderot Effect. For many, this effect is directly related to consumption bias. However, it is perfectly applied also when we add something to our project, and that something triggers a series of new features causing control to be completely lost. This effect impacts budget, deadlines, and team, among many other factors.


Modeling and Optimizing Schedules with Line of Balance and Start-Finish Relationships

In this episode, Ricardo explains the benefits of using the Line of Balance with Start-to-Finish relationships, especially on projects with repetitive tasks. This podcast is based on the latest article published on his site. Read the article at http://www.ricardo-vargas.com/articles/modelling-and-optimizing-schedules-with-line-of-balance-and-start-finish-relationship/


Modelling Line of Balance Schedules with Start-Finish Relationships

The use of the Line of Balance Scheduling Method has been increasing, especially on the construction industry companies of Brazil, Finland and Australia. The method addresses to the particularities of construction projects more effectively than the Critical Path Method does. In order to model the schedule, the paper demonstrates the “start-finish” relation and its contributions for the two approaches for the modelling: Network and Linear Scheduling Approach.


The Danger of Multitasking in Projects

In this podcast, Ricardo talks about the danger of performing multiple tasks without understanding the implications. He explains that we must always consider the residual time between tasks and the real time (or Takt Time) of each task. The Takt Time concept, according to the www.businessdictionary.com, is an adjustable time unit used in lean production to synchronize the rate of production with the rate of demand.


Measuring the Physical Progress of the Project

How to measure how far you are to finish a task where creativity is relevant and inspiration can accelerate or decelerate the progress? In this podcast, Ricardo talks about how we can best measure the real physical progress of the project and explains the application of the concept of anchoring and the WBS decomposition.


Lines of Balance - Part 2 of 2

In this second part of the podcast about Lines of Balance, Ricardo talks more about how this concept can be used in the project's planning and control phases. This time, Ricardo gives an example about the application of lines of balance in an election vote counting process. Do not forget to listen to the first part of this podcast.


Understanding the GTD: Processing, Projects / Contexts and Execution - Part 2 of 3

In this podcast, Ricardo presents the second episode of the series of three podcasts on Getting Things Done (GTD). He explains what we do with the ideas, appointments etc. that we collect daily. He gives tips on how to organize tasks into projects and contexts and explains each. Listen to the first episode: http://www.ricardo-vargas.com/podcasts/understanding-the-gtd-part-1-of-3/