All testimonials

“What can I say? He is just the best in his area, a world-class professional. He is highly recommended. Service Category: Business Consultant. Year first hired: 2009. Top Qualities: Great Results, Expert, Good Value.”

Alessandro de Cristo Linkedin

Senior Project Manager

“Our partnership with Ricardo Vargas was not about business. It was a common well-done challenge in which we had the opportunity to join our experience with his charismatic leadership. The tangible and immediate results were three months less in the schedule of Baguari HPP implementation and a new book collecting our knowledge on Hydro Power Plant developing. But the most critical work can be in the future.”

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“... Behind this gentleman, there is one of the most experts on project management in the world, and it’s comforting to know that we can count on him again.”

Flávio Dutra Doehler Linkedin

Superintendent of Generation and Transmission in Societies

“Top qualities: Expert, On Time, High Integrity Ricardo is a great professional who is very good at dealing with people. An innate communicator, he achieves high standard results with his influential capacity and vast knowledge of various subjects. It’s truly inspiring to work by his side due to his peculiar way of doing business. He is always up to date and determined in his pursuit to obtain knowledge.”

Joaquim Luiz Vianna Linkedin

Corporate Strategic Direction Manager
MRS Logística

“Ricardo is currently the most potent Project Management Guru in the world. He's a find; he involves people with their perceptions and thoughts. Seeing Ricardo achieve new horizons in Project Management is a pride for everyone in Brazil.”

Hilario Martins Linkedin

Engineering Techinical Consultant

“I met Ricardo in a PMI training when I was working for Convergys. He is very charismatic, and he knows everything about project management. So it was an excellent training, but even better it was to get his sponsorship to my idea to write a book about value-added services, OSS and BSS, on Telecom industry. I´m very grateful for all his support, and I would like to thank him with this recommendation.”

Virgilio Fiorense Linkedin

Director of Sales and New Business Development - Ericsson
Concentrix (Convergys)

“I hired Ricardo in 2009 to help Technicolor in PMO implementation for NPI (New Product Introduction), R&D (Research and Development) and LSS (Lean 6 Sigma). Additionally, I hired Ricardo in several Project Management Trainings (PMDOME Workshop, Leadership in Projects, Risk Management, PMO Workshop to Project Management Teams). Ricardo is an expert, very detail-oriented, does an outstanding job and focused on results.”

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“... He also has done an excellent job for the PM community, contributing to spread the PM best practices around the world. Ricardo is a Top professional in Project Management, and I was impressed with his job and final product I got. I highly recommend him.”

Márcia Aguiar Linkedin

Manager, R&D Manaus & NPI AMERICAS

“The most outstanding qualities: Great results, Expert, Creative. Ricardo Vargas is a very dedicated professional, with profound knowledge in project management, who brought significant impacts to our project. In addition to being a great and reliable person, he honours his commitments. So it was a pleasure to meet you in my professional life.”

João Carlos Pelicer Linkedin

Engineering and Construction Director
AES Tietê

“Ricardo was one of the main speakers in our worldwide seminar for Project Managers. He transmits passion and engagement for PM activities that encourage us as Project Managers to speed up our pace for development, bringing this way a significant contribution to our business. Also, his communication skills keep the attention of the people and give us a good feeling of “I want to hear more”.”

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“... I hope we have another opportunity in the future to work together again.”

Sergio Favaro Linkedin

Industrial Manager

“Ricardo is one of the best Project Management instructors working in Brazil today. He has done at least two annual training sessions at Siemens Brasil in the last five years, and his approval by the participants is always 100%. I am sure that he is responsible for our tremendous success in reaching the number of 170 PMPs certified in our group in Brazil. Finally, I can say that your training is worth what it costs.”

Leandro Patah Linkedin

PMO Manager

“Ricardo Vargas has a passion for doing what he does when it comes to teaching Project Management or simply managing projects according to high standards of PMI. His passion is contagious, and this has been a significant and valuable contribution to the challenging effort of raising standards in project management worldwide.”

Rodolfo De Aguiar Linkedin

Corporate Planning Director

“Ricardo is a distinguished professional, has superior knowledge in project and portfolio management. It is undeniable the quality of the work he delivers. Flexible to adapt his way of work to the client’s style, he accepts the challenges offered and is persistent in the pursuit of results. Furthermore, he is available and present in all development work.”

Shalimar Rahde Linkedin

Strategic Planning and Project Office Manager

“Ricardo Vargas is an excellent professional and also a reference in the area of ​​Project Management with whom I had the pleasure of living during the development of joint works. During these moments, I was able to observe their potential, such as strategic thinking, results orientation, and especially their attention and ability in the relationship with the people involved.”

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“... Based on these skills, he can motivate teams to deliver high-quality results.”

Edwaldo Lippe Linkedin

Project Office Manager
AES Tietê

“Ricardo is one of the best professionals to work in project consulting in companies. He has a lot of experience in Portfolio and Project Management. He can coordinate work across multiple segments and multiple companies, helping to improve business and corporate profit.”

Bruno J. de Carvalho Linkedin

Project Management / Product Development Engineer - Flight Dynamics

“Ricardo is one of the professionals who helped me decide to pursue the project manager career. His ability to solve problems with simplicity is fantastic. He is a bright professional.”

Jose Eduardo Garcia Linkedin

Portfolio, Program and Project Manager

“The experience of working with Ricardo and his team was excellent. We identify promising opportunities for improvement, and we also developed processes with remarkable consistency for project and portfolio management.”

Andre Araujo Hofmeister

Director, Planning & Business Development

“The risk course was not only fantastic, but also I can say that Ricardo Vargas is an exceptional teacher who feels a passion for teaching and sharing his knowledge.”

Samuel Machín González Linkedin

Team Leader - INECO

“Ricardo Vargas is an excellent teacher! I came here after watching his Youtube videos, and this course did not disappoint! It is completely worth the time!”

Uttaran Saha

Architect - Jacobs

“It Was a very successful, wonderful, and useful course that I would recommend to all my colleagues.”

Mona Mohamed Abdel Azeim

PR Officer - Advisors Egypt

“Excellent course to situate project managers in points we missed by focusing only on technique.”

Artur Fellipe de Albuquerque Ugiette Linkedin

Junior PM - MV Sistemas

“Thank you very much for the course, Ricardo. I liked both tips and took note of them all. This was my first all-English course, and I enjoyed it so much that I could watch it all. Success!”

Rodolfo Glauber Mendes da Silva Linkedin

Maintenance Analyst - MODEC

“I am at the beginning of my career, and I believe this course will help me grow and create my path.”

Arthur Celani Linkedin

Business Analyst - Deloitte