
3rd Latin American Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy
Water and Environment Systems - São Paulo - Brazil, 2022

Barriers and Challenges of Smart Buildings Projects in the Context of Construction 4.0

The development and use of technologies, tools, and methods based on integrated and comprehensive approaches have been fundamental for integrating smart buildings with the urban environment and for a smarter and more sustainable built environment. In an Industry 4.0 context, barriers associated with innovation and technology that hamper smart building projects still coexist with structural barriers. In this work, we identify the main barriers to developing smart building projects based on extensive and detailed bibliographic research and on the view of professionals with experience in the subject. The results showed that 23 barriers identified in the literature were considered important by the survey respondents, of which five were considered the most important.


London School of Economics Business Review
London – UK – 2021

Transformation Is Personal

Transformation is personal. Always. Think about it. Organizational change is brought about one individual at a time. A change of behavior or a change of outlook by one individual in an organization is the cellular basis of achieving transformation. Individual transformation of employees is (at least) as important as any organizational transformation. Without it, the chances of any transformation succeeding are low. Without it, the chances of an organization continuing to evolve and respond to new changes are almost non-existent.


Harvard Business Review
Cambridge - USA - 2021

Blockchain Is Changing How Companies Can Engage with Customers

Disruptive technologies like blockchain and artificial intelligence are powerful catalysts for change — they can change not just how a company works, but what it’s possible for it to do. Consider the case of Interac Corp., Canada’s largest digital payments company, which partnered with an energy company to change consumer habits through a blockchain-powered incentive program that saved the energy company money and created more efficiency throughout the system. This case offers a few lessons for leaders: 1) tech like blockchain can transform sectors, 2) collaboration is an efficient way to experiment, 3) enterprise-wide engagement builds momentum for innovation, and 4) social purpose is a powerful driver of change.


Engineering Journal
Bangkok – Thailand – 2020

Sustainability Indicators to Assess Infrastructure Projects: Sector Disclosure to Interlock With the Global Reporting Initiative

Infrastructure projects have great potential to impact the sustainability of cities due to typically being large-sized projects and having a high level of intervention. Thus, evaluating the sustainability of these projects through sustainability reports is highly relevant, mainly regarding their impacts on the environment, public health, and the local economy.


London School of Economics Business Review
London – UK – 2020

To Drive Innovation, You Must Understand your Ecosystem

In 1878 Leo Tolstoy released what would become one of his most acclaimed works, the novel ‘Anna Karenina‘. The book started with a quote that over the centuries has transcended disciplines: ‘Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way’.

When taken literally, the quote is a good reflection on family life and family conduct. But as a metaphor, the quote has found application in different fields, from anthropology to ecology, and from philosophy now to business.


Transforming Beyond the Crisis
Thinkers50 - London – United Kingdom – 2020

Responding the crisis by Built Perpetual Capabilities

"Life will never be the same after COVID-19.”
You hear that a lot these days. For many organizations, life will indeed be different after the outbreak as it had a severe and long-lasting impact on its ecosystem. For some organizations, there were even more immediate pressing concerns. A question about survival. 


London School of Economics Business Review
London – UK – 2020

Transforming Traditional Businesses Doesn’t Have to be an Elusive Goal

Firms need to develop an appetite for innovation, leverage knowledge about customers, and adopt agile ways of working.

Even though the literature on business transformation is enormous, managerial and organisational appetite for change tends to be limited. Leaders of organisations that are remotely successful are not inclined to change things. Transforming the business is not the same as implementing incremental change or improvements in processes, operations and products. We argue that transformation refers to an organisation achieving a sustainable quantum-leap improvement in performance while transforming the mindsets of employees and thus the culture of the organisation.


LSE Business Review

June 3rd, 2020

Digital transformation in the wake of a crisis: focus on people

Only 35% of projects today are completed successfully. One reason for this disappointing rate is the low level of maturity of technologies available for project management. This is about to change. Researchers, startups, and innovating organizations, are beginning to apply AI, machine learning, and other advanced technologies to project management, and by 2030 the field will undergo major shifts. Technology will soon improve project selection and prioritization, monitor progress, speed up reporting, and facilitate testing. Project managers, aided by virtual project assistants, will find their roles more focused on coaching and stakeholder management than on administration and manual tasks. The author show how organizations that want to reap the benefits of project management technologies should begin today by gathering and cleaning project data, preparing their people, and dedicating the resources necessary to drive this transformation.


Transformation Playbook
Thinkers50 - London – United Kingdom – 2019

Using Crisis as a Catalyst for Transformation

Most organizations are not well prepared to deal with a serious crisis. The end result of a crisis can either help transform the organization or leave it in a very dangerous position. Crises can emulate fight-or-flight conditions, which are physiological reactions in response to perceived danger, attack, or threat to survival. In animals, as well as humans, this is a natural response mechanism that helps keep us alive.

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