Artificial Intelligence

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Ask Us Anything: AI-Driven Project Management Revolution Masterclass

Join Ricardo Vargas and Antonio Nieto-Rodriguez in an open and dynamic AMA (Ask Me Anything) session dedicated to your burning questions about the upcoming masterclass, "AI-Driven Project Management Revolution." - Seek clarifications, delve deeper into the course content, or explore further what to expect from this transformative journey that begins on June 5th.

Book cover

The Digital Transformation Playbook

What You Need to Know and Do is an indispensable resource for you and your organization as you embark on the exciting and challenging journey of digital transformation. It features insightful ideas and best practices that drive digital transformation. Contributors include leading thinkers and practitioners drawn from around the world.

The stakes are high. As Project Management Institute President and CEO Pierre Le Manh writes: “Ultimately, digital transformation is about driving business growth and success through technology. It is about finding new and innovative ways to deliver value to your customers and stay ahead of the competition. With the right tools, strategies, and mindset, you can emerge stronger and more competitive than ever before.”


Q&A - AI Applications in Project Management

Join Ricardo Vargas and Antonio Nieto-Rodriguez in this recorded Q&A session after the "Applications of AI in Project Management" webinar. The webinar explored how the latest advancements and tools in artificial intelligence (AI) are transforming project management, providing new insights, efficiencies, and opportunities for organizations of all sizes. This session summarizes the primary audience's questions and their answers to them.


The Cobra Effect: Unraveling Second-Order Consequences

In today's episode, Ricardo guides you through the fascinating world of second-order consequences, focusing on the Cobra Effect. He explores how solutions that seemed reasonable in the short term can sometimes spawn more complex issues in a project environment if not adequately anticipated. Ricardo suggests you rethink your decision-making process and underline the importance of considering all potential outcomes before deciding.


Applications of AI in Project Management - Recorded Version

Recorded on May 16th, 2023. Join Ricardo Vargas and Antonio Nieto-Rodrigues in their new webinar "Applications of AI in Project Management". The webinar will explore how the latest advancements and tools in artificial intelligence (AI) are transforming the field of project management, providing new insights, efficiencies, and opportunities for organizations of all sizes.


Is there Something to Learn from Bayes' Theorem That Will Change Your Perceptions of Risks?

In this episode, Ricardo explores the practical facets of Bayesian thinking, demonstrating how previous events and knowledge can reshape our evaluation of future risks. In his discussion, he avoids complex formulas, highlighting the theorem's real-world implications. He also underscores the significance of 'triggers,' events or facts that provide additional information, refining our grasp of probabilities.


Is the Future of Artificial Intelligence the Future We Want for Us?

In this thought-provoking episode of the podcast, Ricardo explores the possibility of AI surpassing human intelligence and developing emotions to the point where it has a soul and feelings, as the philosopher Nick Bostrom proposed in his Big Think video. With such advancements in AI, it begs the question: will we need to consider "AI Rights" similar to "Human Rights"?


Three Uses of AI that can Bring Agile Development to the Next Level

In this episode of "5 Minutes Podcast About Project Management and AI," Ricardo explores three key areas where AI can bring Agile Development to the next level. Firstly, he discusses how AI can help teams plan and prioritize sprints for greater accuracy in predicting delivery dates. Secondly, Ricardo talks about how AI can help teams respond quickly to changes and optimize resource allocation.


360 New AI Applications in the past 7 Days: I Hope This Does Not Hurt Agile Approaches

In this week's episode, Ricardo discusses the rapid emergence of new AI applications on the market. According to one of the most prominent AI Twitter feeds @heybarsee, over 360 new AI applications have been developed in the past seven days. Ricardo argues that the proliferation of technologies employing artificial intelligence is inevitable. However, he also poses the following question: