Stakeholder Management

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Organizations Want to Change Everything Without Changing Anything

In this episode, Ricardo discusses the standard rhetoric of change in organizations and individuals. While many talk about the need for change, they often struggle to take action. Ricardo emphasizes the importance of understanding the purpose of change and how it benefits individuals and organizations. Without a compelling reason to change, people tend to resist it due to fear of the unknown.


How to Poorly Manage Crisis: My Swiss Airlines Nightmare

In this podcast episode, Ricardo shares a recent experience with Swiss Airways that highlights the mishandling of a crisis in the airline industry. Ricardo's flight from Lisbon to Punta Cana via Zurich was delayed progressively, ultimately leading to a seven-hour delay. When the flight was finally canceled due to technical issues, the airline did not assist in accommodation or support.


The Challenge of Building Trust When People Want to Hear Only What They Like

In this episode, Ricardo discusses the dilemma of maintaining trust while conveying truths that may not always be pleasant to hear. He emphasizes the critical role of honesty and transparency in project management, despite the challenges they might bring. Ricardo uses his experience and shares real-life instances where telling hard truths was vital for the ultimate success of a project.


Your Project Inside the Hurricane of the Attention Economy

In this week's podcast, Ricardo addresses the topic “Economy of Attention”. He says that a product is made to meet a market need, and the greater the demand, the higher the price of the product. However, as large amounts of data and actions we must manage make attention an invaluable presentation. There are many things vying for our focus at any given time, including work, employees, social media, and electronics.


Forensic Planning: Using Project Management to Address Claims, Disputes and Litigations

In this week's episode, Ricardo talks about Forensic Planning, explaining that this is an area of ​​Project Management widely used for claims, litigation, and lawsuits. Often in capital projects or large projects, delays and other types of disruption happen when parties disagree on which side is responsible. This type of work attempts to assess and support the parties in the solution and identify the root cause of the problem.