2018 – All Episodes

You Must Get Your Most Talented Employees out of their Cocoons

In this episode, Ricardo discusses his recently published article on human behavior in the face of change and how safety nets need to be replaced by ropes to allow advancement. He discusses the paradox we live in today where change is the natural condition of organizational survival and, at the same time, one of the things we most fear as individuals. The original article is available at www.linkedin.com/pulse/you-must-g…ns-viana-vargas/

If you want to succeed with your projects you need to embrace diversity

In this episode, Ricardo goes back one more time to the diversity topic. After all the news around sexual harassment and all sorts of people’s discrimination because of race, sex, sexual orientation and religion, Ricardo comes back to explain one more time how diversity contributes to creativity, to unlock new ideas and help the project to succeed.

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Published in 2018
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Last updated at: Jul 22, 2024
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