2022 – All Episodes

The Year in Review and What to Expect of 2023

This episode concludes the 2022 podcast series as Ricardo looks back on the year's events. Ricardo says that 2022 was, in some ways, a different year. Maybe because we recently emerged from the lockdown situation caused by Covid, society stayed in something like a "limbo" state. In particular, he emphasizes three noteworthy aspects of the year 2022: The first is about unpredictability:

Why It Is Important to Recognize When It Is Time to Quit

In this week's episode, Ricardo talks about the moment to get out of a certain situation and discusses three essential points based on the book "Quit" by Annie Duke. People are socialized to believe that staying in a harmful situation is a virtue, so the idea of stopping what is toxic, whether professionally or personally, is often seen as a negative choice and a demonstration of fragility.

Does Holacracy Work in Projects?

This week, Ricardo discusses the holacratic model in the context of businesses and projects. Organizations following the holacratic model are self-managed and self-organized; there is no manager, and duties are distributed horizontally. In this framework, individuals and groups are empowered by a shared sense of mission and accountability, leading to greater flexibility.

Directly from the PMI Summit 2022 in Las Vegas

This week, Ricardo talks about the PMI Summit 2022 in Las Vegas, the world's premier project management conference. He talks about the energy of being with thousands of people and networking opportunities. Keynote speaker Amy Webb discussed emerging trends in project management in her opening address to the congress. While giving her presentation, Amy Webb brought up the following points:

Project Management is a Life Skill

This week Ricardo shares a personal experience where he can see project management happening naturally as part of life. He made lunch at the weekend to celebrate a friend's birthday. Without even realizing it, Ricardo prepared the list of ingredients and made a mental plan of what resources he would need, how long each item would last in the oven, etc. Important to note that lunch was not for two people. It was for more than 20 people.

What We Can Learn from Elizabeth Holmes (Theranos), Sam Bankman-Fried (FTX) and Elon Musk (Twitter)

This week, Ricardo discusses three prominent businesspeople whose incoherent actions hurt those who had put their faith in their ideas: Elizabeth Homes of Theranos, Sam Bankman-Fried of FTX, and Elon Musk of Twitter. These persons share many characteristics, including a remarkable charm that has garnered them widespread adulation and the impression that they possess superhuman abilities.

Using Technology Readiness Level to Evaluate New Technology Risks

This week, Ricardo discusses TRL, or the Technology Readiness Level, a method developed by NASA in the 1970s to ensure the reliability and safety of the technology they used in their projects. In terms of safety, the higher the TRL number, the more developed the technology is. All the things that come at the outset of studying a new technology—empirical research, a scientific concept, an article, an idea, etc.—are related to the first 3 stages.

The Relevance of the Right Project Governance

This week, Ricardo discusses decision-making processes in the context of projects, the "governance" component of the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) acronym. He explains that knowledge of governance, the organizational framework used to oversee projects, is crucial for effective decision-making. This structure and processes are used to make decisions about approving changes and planning the next steps based on project findings.

Why Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) Is So Dangerous for You and Your Projects

Why the Fear of Being Left Out (FOMO) Is So Dangerous for You and Your Projects … This week, Ricardo talks about FOMO, or "Fear of missing out," which is the anxiety we have when we don't feel included in a specific scenario, causing us to feel unmotivated and have low self-esteem. New technologies, cryptocurrencies, the metaverse, and artificial intelligence are just examples that can make us feel out of date and like we are falling behind.

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