2016 – All Episodes

Zaatari: The Desert that Became Home

In this episode, Ricardo talks directly from the Zaatari refugee camp located in Jordan, where he is participating in the recordings of the documentary: "Zaatari: The Desert that Became Home" (in a free translation). Zaatari is the largest camp of Syrian War refugees, and, in just four years, it became the third city in the country. Learn more about the documentary .

DICE Framework

In this episode, Ricardo talks about the DICE Framework, developed by Boston Consulting Group members to evaluate the chances of success of your project or of your chance management initiative. The factors on the acronym DICE: D – Duration, I – Integrity, C – Commitment and E – Effort receive a score from 1 to 4 and after a simple calculation, the result will help you compare if your project is more likely to be successful or to fail.

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Last updated at: Jul 22, 2024
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