2009 – All Episodes

Brazil in the Cover of The Economist Magazine and what this Relates to Proper Project Management

In this podcast Ricardo makes comments about the cover of the British magazine The Economist on 14 of November, 2009. The magazine presented the opportunities in Brazil and how the country is dealing with the growth. It will be a unique opportunity for superior practice of Project Management and certainly the biggest challenge for the future.

Directly from the Projects to Point Conference in Cairo - Egypt

In this podcast Ricardo talks directly from the Projects 2 Point Conference that happened from October 3rd to October 5th, 2009 in Cairo, Egypt. In the podcast he discusses the highlights of the conference, like agile, project management in oil and gas. Beyond this, Ricardo analyze the perspectives for Egypt and also Africa and Middle East as certainly the next area in the planet to register record growth in the incoming years.

Directly from The Economist Innovation Award and Summit in London

In this podcast, Ricardo presents the highlights of the award promoted by the British magazine The Economist for the most important innovations of the year. Ratan Tata for the low-cost car "Tata Nano" and Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook founder, are among the recipients. Topics of how project management is critical for innovation implementation were among the discussed items in a 2-day meeting with more than 120 people from all over the world.

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Last updated at: Jul 22, 2024
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