2009 – All Episodes


Intangibility of Results and the Value of Project Management

In this podcast, Ricardo Vargas talks about the difficulty of proving the value of project management. He explains that oftentimes the benefits acquired by project management are not tangible and that not everything can be mathematically measured, so the companies should create productivity drivers to measure the success of the projects. This podcast was recorded only in Brazilian Portuguese.

Standards and ISO21500: Why Standards are Important for the Project Results Part 1/2

In this podcast Ricardo presents and highlights the importance of the standards which aims to facilitate the project communication process. It is the first of a two podcasts series about the subject where, besides talking about standards, Ricardo provides updated information about the ISO TC236 (Technical Commitee 236) that is developing the ISO 21500, which is fully dedicated to project management.

Directly from the PMI Global Congress Asia Pacif 2009 in Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia

In this podcast, Ricardo Vargas presents the main area of focus presented at the PMI Global Congress that has taken place in Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia. Topics as innovation, creativity, portfolio management and the value of project management are the most discussed subjects at the congress that join 400 people from 32 different countries. This podcast was recorded only in Brazilian Portuguese. The link below is for the Brazilian Portuguese version.

PMI MG Chapter - 10 Years of a Personal History

In this podcast, Ricardo makes a special honor to the PMI-MG chapter for completing 10 years. H proudly remembers when in 1998-1999 the PMI-MG was founded. He also talks about the difficulties in getting 25 members to create the chapter and mentions the development of the unofficial translation of the PMBOK which was executed by PMI-MG. He congratulates all members of PMI-MG and other Brazilian chapters.

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Published in 2009
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Last updated at: Apr 22, 2024
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