2011 – All Episodes

Tribute to Gregory Balestrero that Leaves PMI After 8 Years of Leadership

In this podcast Ricardo Vargas pays tribute to Greg Balestrero, President and CEO of PMI. He highlights Greg's dedication and commitment to PMI during his 8 years as the institution's main executive, leading the world's most important organization dedicated to project management. Ricardo also emphasizes the transition of the Institute's new executive leader, Mark Langley, who takes over as President and CEO in 2011.

Perspectives for 2011

In this podcast, Ricardo talks about the opportunities for project management that will happen in 2011. He explains that in Brazil will be many opportunities in the areas of infrastructure, engineering, energy, oil and mining. Ricardo also reinforces that there is a shortage of skilled project managers in Brazil and that the highly qualified foreign competitors are coming in search of opportunities here.

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Published in 2011
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Last updated at: Jul 22, 2024
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