2011 – All Episodes


How to Write a Good Project Objective: The SMART Technique

In this podcast Ricardo talks about the project objective, he explains that many people think that only the name is enough to understand the project, but the objective is important to write and explain "what is" the project, within time and estimated costs. Ricardo also says that the objective should be a sentence that explains exactly what you want to do.

How many projects a Project Manager can manage at the same time?

In this podcast, Ricardo talks about the number of projects that one person can manage simultaneously. He says that there is no specific number but explains that the project manager's focus is the most important. Ricardo also says that huge projects do not justify a project manager sharing the work with other projects. Still, in small projects that have some similarities, the project manager could manage multiple projects simultaneously.

How to Prepare Executive Status Reports - Part 1 of 2

In this first podcast of a series of two, Ricardo talks about how an executive status report must be submitted, showing condensed information relevant to the sponsor and key project stakeholders. He explains that visual information is of great importance and that the report needs to have a pattern, without necessarily being presented in only a page.

Defining Project Success - Part 1 of 2

In this podcast Ricardo discusses the importance of characterizing the successful execution of a project by the regularity and precision of results and not by overcoming the plan. The project plan should be implemented and not necessarily overcome. The worries with deadlines and challenging costs should be part of initial planning and not part of the project execution. Part 1 of 2.

Project Quality Requirements

In this podcast, Ricardo talks about the project quality requirements, he explains that sometimes the quality requirements are set when the project is near the end, and sometimes the project manager does not involve the customer early in the project and the requirements are made in the light of their understanding. Ricardo also explains that the quality requirements need to be tangible and relevant.

The Power of Positive Feedback

In this podcast Ricardo talks about the strength of a positive feedback. He says that we have a culture of giving negative feedback and that we usually do not remember to praise when a good work is done. Ricardo explains that just an email or a comment about the good work is usually enough to motivate anybody, thus leading her/him to make less mistakes in the execution of his/her work.

Project Manager Authority

In this podcast, Ricardo talks about the authority of the Project Manager. He explains that it is very common in projects where the company has a functional or weak matrix structure, project managers with little authority. Ricardo gives some tips on how to increase the authority in projects

Certification MCTS in Project 2010

In this podcast, Ricardo talks about the advantages that the Microsoft Certified Technical (Technology) Specialist certification for Project 2010 bring forth to the project manager's career when combined with other certifications such as CAPM or PMP from PMI. He explains that a professional who has both qualifications has more chances of success in the field for he knows how to apply the technical theory using a PM tool.

How to Prepare Executive Status Reports - Part 2 of 2

In this second podcast of the series, Ricardo gives some tips on how to prepare an excellent status report. He explains that the great secret of the report is the ability to condense informations into a small and precise report, which usually can be 6 to 10 pages, trying to present visual data, colors, larger letters and graphics with performance information.

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Published in 2011
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Last updated at: Feb 10, 2025
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