2011 – All Episodes

Crisis Management: The Denial Problem

In this podcast, Ricardo talks about crisis management. He explains that the first reaction in crisis management is the denial and that this is the worst option. Ricardo also explains that the crisis is caused by a "trigger" that is triggered by some event that will generate a chain reaction and can cause an uncontrolled situation in the project.

How many projects a Project Manager can manage at the same time?

In this podcast, Ricardo talks about the number of projects that one person can manage simultaneously. He says that there is no specific number but explains that the project manager's focus is the most important. Ricardo also says that huge projects do not justify a project manager sharing the work with other projects. Still, in small projects that have some similarities, the project manager could manage multiple projects simultaneously.

The Power of Positive Feedback

In this podcast Ricardo talks about the strength of a positive feedback. He says that we have a culture of giving negative feedback and that we usually do not remember to praise when a good work is done. Ricardo explains that just an email or a comment about the good work is usually enough to motivate anybody, thus leading her/him to make less mistakes in the execution of his/her work.

Working in International Projects: Understanding the Cultural Aspects

In this podcast, Ricardo talks about working in projects of different cultures. He explains that to work in an international project is necessary to know the way of life, how people in the country were educated, how the minds of these people work and respect each culture. Ricardo also talks that even in Brazil, to develop a project in the South is different to developing a project in the North, as there is a difference in culture and values.

Understanding the Criterion, the Conditions and the Thresholds of a Quality Requirements

In this podcast, Ricardo talks about the criteria for quality requirements, he explains that the criterion is the object on which the quality requirement is being measured. Ricardo also talks about why the conditions to meet a quality criteria have a thresholds which is how long this condition meets the criteria and when it does not meet.

Project Quality Requirements

In this podcast, Ricardo talks about the project quality requirements, he explains that sometimes the quality requirements are set when the project is near the end, and sometimes the project manager does not involve the customer early in the project and the requirements are made in the light of their understanding. Ricardo also explains that the quality requirements need to be tangible and relevant.

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Published in 2011
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Last updated at: Mar 10, 2025
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