2011 – All Episodes

When is the best moment to implement Project Management Software

In this podcast, Ricardo talks about the support tools for project management and the best time to install them. He explains that much software on the market is excellent, but installing a project management tool without a defined methodological process can be a big mistake because the tool must be adapted to the work process.

When is the best time to do the Project Kick-off Meeting?

In this podcast, Ricardo talks about the time that the project kick-off meeting should be performed. He explains that as the size of the project, the kick-off meeting does not necessarily have to be just one but many. Ricardo shows that we can have a kick-off meeting early in the project where the WBS is still wider, and we can have another kick-off meeting once the plan is ready.

Rethinking the concept of Multitasking and Simultaneous Projects

In this podcast, Ricardo talks about executing multiple projects simultaneously and using the same resources, i.e. multitasking. He explains that we often think that sharing resources across multiple projects can generate the perception that work is evolving, but this can cause delays and loss of quality in work. Ricardo suggests that it is better to concentrate efforts on one project at a time than to do it all at once.

How to Write a Good Project Objective: The SMART Technique

In this podcast Ricardo talks about the project objective, he explains that many people think that only the name is enough to understand the project, but the objective is important to write and explain "what is" the project, within time and estimated costs. Ricardo also says that the objective should be a sentence that explains exactly what you want to do.

Understanding the Criterion, the Conditions and the Thresholds of a Quality Requirements

In this podcast, Ricardo talks about the criteria for quality requirements, he explains that the criterion is the object on which the quality requirement is being measured. Ricardo also talks about why the conditions to meet a quality criteria have a thresholds which is how long this condition meets the criteria and when it does not meet.

Project Quality Requirements

In this podcast, Ricardo talks about the project quality requirements, he explains that sometimes the quality requirements are set when the project is near the end, and sometimes the project manager does not involve the customer early in the project and the requirements are made in the light of their understanding. Ricardo also explains that the quality requirements need to be tangible and relevant.

Project Indicators X Project Management Indicators

In this podcast, Ricardo talks about the difference between the project indicators and indicators of project management. He explains that the project indicators measure the expected benefits and these usually appear after the project ended, but the indicators of project management are related to control during project execution, where planned deliveries are compared with performed deliveries.

Certification MCTS in Project 2010

In this podcast, Ricardo talks about the advantages that the Microsoft Certified Technical (Technology) Specialist certification for Project 2010 bring forth to the project manager's career when combined with other certifications such as CAPM or PMP from PMI. He explains that a professional who has both qualifications has more chances of success in the field for he knows how to apply the technical theory using a PM tool.

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Published in 2011
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Last updated at: Jan 20, 2025
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