Project Challenges

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Learn With Ricardo Vargas How to Choose a New Home Using Multi Criteria Decision and AHP

How many times we were faced with a challenge to decide in our personal life? Follow Ricardo Vargas on a journey to use a mathematical model to select the best house for you to buy. AHP is one of the most reliable tools for you to improve your decision making and apply it on your work and daily life. Created by Thomas Saaty, AHP is considered today the best approach to remove bias and increase your assertiveness in making decisions.


Your Project Inside the Hurricane of the Attention Economy

In this week's podcast, Ricardo addresses the topic “Economy of Attention”. He says that a product is made to meet a market need, and the greater the demand, the higher the price of the product. However, as large amounts of data and actions we must manage make attention an invaluable presentation. There are many things vying for our focus at any given time, including work, employees, social media, and electronics.


Benefits and Drawbacks of the Passion Economy

In this week's episode, Ricardo addresses the Passion Economy. There is a "passion economy" when you make money doing something you enjoy. The biggest illustration of this notion is the digital influencer, who may share information, expertise, and insights about a topic they find fascinating and monetize the content through a YouTube or TikTok channel, for example. However, the process is not as simple as most people believe.


BGSW PM Connect – Project Management in Virtual World

BGSW PM Connect – Project Management in Virtual World Ricardo is a guest speaker who discusses the challenges of the world's changes and how we can really succeed in this environment. PM Connect is an event series hosted by Bosch Global Software Technologies, across the globe, since 2017, focusing on trending and new-age topics through examples of live implementations, experiences, and views of industry leaders. Table of contents:


How Fragile and Volatile are Businesses: The Facebook, Whatsapp, and Instagram Outage

This week we return to the theme from a few weeks ago, how technology projects are riskier than most people imagined. Surprised by the paralysis of Facebook, Instagram, and Whatsapp, we were more than left out of communication. The damage caused throughout the world by the hours out of the air on these platforms is incalculable. What to learn from what happened? How to deal with this dependence on companies today?


How to Support Future Generations for a World Based in Projects

In the last 20 or 30 years, project management has taken on a vast proportion, and a good part of the population works, even if they don't know it, in some way with projects. So why do people see the world for projects as a threat? What are the misunderstandings? Let's talk about how I see project management and how to support future generations to work in a different world, a world by projects. Listen to the Podcast to learn more.


Some Considerations About Project Delivery Approach: Predictive (Waterfall), Hybrid or Adaptive (Agile)

In this week's episode, Ricardo talks about the form of development approach you will choose, according to the type of project. He comments that one of the Performance Domains of the new PMBOK® is the Development Approach and Lifecycle. And he explains that for some projects, it is better to choose the predictive approach, while for others, the adaptive approach is more suitable. Listen to the Podcast to learn more.


Retrospective 2013

In this podcast, Ricardo makes his retrospective of 2013. Again, a year with mixed feelings. A good year for some, a tough one for others. One of the points highlighted by Ricardo was the dangerous excess of expectation, from companies, governments and professionals, about what really project management can bring as a result, when well executed. In the next podcast, he will talk about the perspectives for 2014.