2012 – All Episodes


Using Project Management to Plan Your Year - Part 1/2

In this first podcast of 2, Ricardo gives some tips on how to manage personal projects that take place during the year. He exemplifies with the planning he did for his personal projects for 2011 and 2012. Ricardo explains that the first thing he did was his strategic map and throughout the year, was taking notes of all kinds of projects that have appeared.

Using Project Management to Plan your Year - Part 2/2

In this second podcast of the series, Ricardo talks about portfolio management of personal projects. He explains that it is necessary to map and select which projects will be undertaken, which will be later, a which will not be made and which requiring a study before deciding. Ricardo says that projects should be selected according to the goals we have set and gives tips on how these objectives can be defined and how they are selected.

Mandatory Relationships x Discretionary Relationships

In this podcast, Ricardo talks about mandatory dependencies and discretionary dependencies between the activities of the project. He explains that a mandatory dependency is one that needs to be physically respected and discretionary is one that is made to generate a greater benefit for the project, whether in management or in the results. Ricardo also shows several examples of these two relations of dependence.

Understand the Difference between Residual and Secondary Risks

In this podcast, Ricardo talks about the difference between the secondary risk and residual risk. He explains that the secondary risk is generated as a side effect the implementation of a response. Residual risk is one that remains, even after implementing responses. Ricardo gives several examples for these two types of risks.

Demystifying the Portfolio Management – Part 2/3: The Criteria

In this second podcast of the series, Ricardo talks about the selection criteria in portfolio management. He explains that in addition to financial criteria, there are others who may be considered and, even if it is intangible, there are ways to make them tangible. Ricardo gives several tips on how to transform these criteria into tangible and also talks about the balance of the criteria chosen.

Demystifying the Portfolio Management – Part 3/3: A comparison and Decision

In this third and final podcast of the series, Ricardo talks about the comparison to the project selection and choice. He gives two examples of comparison one simpler - the weighted score matrix, and other more complex - AHP - Analytic Hierarchy Process. Ricardo explains how to prepare each of the two examples. See the article about AHP mentioned in this podcast at: http://www.ricardo-vargas.com/pt/articles/analytic-hierarchy-process/

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Published in 2012
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Last updated at: Jul 22, 2024
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