2020 – All Episodes

Options are Your Best Career Insurance - What Matters Series Episode 2

This week Ricardo publishes the audio of the second episode of the What Matters Series (https://youtube.com/rvvargas) In this episode, he discusses the importance of having professional options and how you can increase these options by improving knowledge, networking and mobility. He also talks about how some discomfort and challenges can bring you the resilience and "antifragility" to succeed.

Let’s be Mindful: What really is a Distinct Mindset?

In this episode, Ricardo comments on a recent LinkedIn post comparing “Project Management Thinking” with “Scrum Master Thinking”. The post clearly presents one side as a controller, authoritarian, centralizer, etc. and the other as a team player and an enabler. On a rare reply to posts, Ricardo mentioned that this is not the right comparison. This is a comparison between competent and incompetent professionals.

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Last updated at: Jul 22, 2024
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