2008 – All Episodes


Notice: The 2008 episodes were only recorded in Portuguese.

Monte Carlo Simulation

In this podcast, Ricardo approaches the main concepts of the Monte Carlo Simulation, the most famous mathematical simulation applied to calculate the probability of cost and schedule objectives. This podcast was recorded only in Brazilian Portuguese. The link below is for the Brazilian Portuguese version.

Feedback Process

In this podcast Ricardo approaches one of the most important mechanisms of communications in projects: feedback. He talksthe importance of the process and the basic concepts of Johari Window. This podcast was recorded only in Brazilian Portuguese. The link below is for the Brazilian Portuguese version.

Directly of Morocco - Project Management Opportunities in Africa and the Middle East

This podcast has been produced in Morocco and Ricardo talks about the project management opportunities in Africa and the Middle East. He also talks about how the foreign companies are investing in these countries and the future perspectives that lie ahead. This podcast was recorded only in Brazilian Portuguese. The link below is for the Brazilian Portuguese version.

Microsoft Office Project 2007

In this podcast, Ricardo talks about Microsoft Office Project 2007 and the release of his ninth book - Microsoft Office Project 2007 Standard & Professional. He also talks about the new features, usability and the learning path to Microsoft Office Project 2007. This podcast was recorded only in Brazilian Portuguese. The link below is for the Brazilian Portuguese version.

Beginning of a Project Management Career

In this podcast, Ricardo talks about the beginning of a project management career and what we should do to prepare ourselves for it. He also briefly talks about the importance of training and having a project management certification, as well as the need to learn other languages and improve our networking abilities. This podcast was recorded only in Brazilian Portuguese. The link below is for the Brazilian Portuguese version.

Directly from PMI Global Congress Asia Pacific 2008 in Sydney

In this podcast, Ricardo presents the main highlights of the PMI global congress that is happening this week in Sydney-Australia. Names referred to in this podcast are Robyn Meredith, Lavanya Narayanan e Malarvizhi, Carol Dekkers, Sandeep Mathur, Denise Decarlo e Andrea Caccamise. This podcast was recorded only in Brazilian Portuguese. The link below is for the Brazilian Portuguese version.

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Published in 2008
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Last updated at: Feb 10, 2025
About the podcast statistics Starting in December 2020, the podcast total view count includes the views on the website plus the download statistics from Amazon's S3, where the files are hosted, and also statistics generated from applications including Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Soundcloud, etc. that consume the podcast RSS feeds.
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