2007 – All Episodes

Notice: The 2007 episodes were only recorded in Portuguese.

PERT Analysis

In this podcast, Ricardo introduces the main concepts of PERT Analysis, mechanism of calculation that uses the optimist, most probable and pessimistic duration in order to determine the expected duration of the task, allowing that the statistical concepts of standard deviation and variance be determined and then, the numerical probability of project duration accomplishment be calculated. This podcast was recorded only in Brazilian Portuguese.

Project Time Management

In this podcast Ricardo approaches the most classical knowledge area in project management, the project time management. He talks about the importance of understand project time management as part of an integrated management, with very low value if considered isolated. This podcast was recorded only in Brazilian Portuguese. The link below is for the Brazilian Portuguese version.

Project Management in Small Companies

In this podcast Ricardo answers many requests for this theme and talks about project management in small companies. He presents the main differences between a large size project and a small project, where many times the sponsor, the project manager and the client are the same person. This podcast was recorded only in Brazilian Portuguese. The link below is for the Brazilian Portuguese version.

Directly from PMI Global Congress North America 2007 in Atlanta

In ths podcast Ricardo introduces the main highlights of the most important project management congress worldwide. With about 4,000 atendees from various regions of the world, the PMI Global Congress North America is a unique opportunity to see the main trends in the field. This podcast was recorded only in Brazilian Portuguese. The link below is for the Brazilian Portuguese version.

Project Team Management

In this podcast Ricardo characterize the project teams and how to dimension them. He discuss the importance of diversity and common objectives during the team building, as the main stages faced by teams, according with Tuckman principles. This podcast was recorded only in Brazilian Portuguese. The link below is for the Brazilian Portuguese version.

Ethics: Egoism x Altruism

In this podcast Ricardo continues the podcast of August 20th about ethics and professional responsibility, approaching the egoism and altruism concepts. This podcast was recorded only in Brazilian Portuguese. The link below is for the Brazilian Portuguese version.

Balanced Scorecard and Porfolio Management

In this podcast Ricardo Vargas presents the relationship between Balanced Scorecard and Portfolio Management, discussing about the sinergy between the 2 solutions, where the concepts of strategic office and project office are associated to improve the effectiveness of the projects inside the organization. This podcast was recorded only in Brazilian Portuguese. The link below is for the Brazilian Portuguese version.

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Published in 2007
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Last updated at: Feb 17, 2025
About the podcast statistics Starting in December 2020, the podcast total view count includes the views on the website plus the download statistics from Amazon's S3, where the files are hosted, and also statistics generated from applications including Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Soundcloud, etc. that consume the podcast RSS feeds.
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