2013 – All Episodes

The New Features of Microsoft Project 2013

In this podcast, Ricardo talks about the release of his new book, "Microsoft Project 2013: Standard, Professional e Pro para Office 365", co-written with Allan Rocha, Microsoft Valuable Professional (MVP). The book addresses the new features presented in this new version of the software and maintains the characteristics of the series of books about Project initiated by Ricardo in the book "Gerenciamento de Projetos com o Microsoft Project 98".

Understanding the Rolling Wave Planning

In this podcast, Ricardo talks about the concept of Rolling Wave Planning, which deals with the progressive elaboration of the project scope. He presents the pros and cons of this technique, giving answers to questions such as: "How do I get the detail work that will happen in the 2nd week of the 14th month in my project?"

3 Success Factors in the Procurement Process

In this podcast, Ricardo talks about the dangers of underestimate the complexity of the procurement management. He gives three tips on how we can increase the chance of success in our projects. They are: 1 - Seek knowledge about what will be purchased; … 2 - Analyze the total cost of acquisition, not just the price; … 3 - Associate payment events to deliveries on your project.

Why is it So Hard to Define Clear Criteria for Selecting Projects?

In this podcast, Ricardo lists the three main reasons why it is so difficult to establish criteria for selecting projects in a Portfolio Management. They are: the lack of clarity in the strategic objectives, the difficulty in measuring intangibles and the management of possible conflicts created by individual interests.

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Published in 2013
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Last updated at: Jul 22, 2024
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