2013 – All Episodes


3 Success Factors in the Procurement Process

In this podcast, Ricardo talks about the dangers of underestimate the complexity of the procurement management. He gives three tips on how we can increase the chance of success in our projects. They are: 1 - Seek knowledge about what will be purchased; … 2 - Analyze the total cost of acquisition, not just the price; … 3 - Associate payment events to deliveries on your project.

Software Development Projects: Are There Too Many Tribal Chiefs to Few Indians?

In this podcast, Ricardo comments an article that criticizes the current model of project management in software development companies. The article says that several companies are allocating more project managers than developers in their teams, generating lack of effectiveness among other problems. Link for the cited article (Brazilian Portuguese): http://rvarg.as/5l

How to do Stakeholder Analysis in Practice - Part 1 of 2

In this special podcast, Ricardo teaches, in practice, how to do a Stakeholder Analysis. To follow the step-by-step shown by Ricardo, you will need this material: 3 large sheets of paper (i.e. flip chart size), tape, several post-it's and pens (or markers), two to three different colors for pens and post-it's. And of course, your team to participate in the brainstorming. Follow next week the final part of this podcast!

Retrospective 2013

In this podcast, Ricardo makes his retrospective of 2013. Again, a year with mixed feelings. A good year for some, a tough one for others. One of the points highlighted by Ricardo was the dangerous excess of expectation, from companies, governments and professionals, about what really project management can bring as a result, when well executed. In the next podcast, he will talk about the perspectives for 2014.

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Last updated at: Apr 22, 2024
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