2020 – All Episodes

Review Your Metrics Because They Lose Value Over Time

This week, Ricardo talks about metrics and discusses why we should review metrics often to make sure they are still valuable. One of the main threats of old metrics is that people get used to the engine behind it, and they know exactly how to work so that they stay on permanent “green” without truly seeing the whole picture.

Spotify Model for Engineering Culture - Part 3/3

This week, Ricardo presents the last episode about the engineering culture created by Spotify to manage and deliver projects. The Spotify model aims to shape a culture of self-organized, autonomous teams, where independence and alignment combined with a strong focus on people and motivation aim to bring agility at scale with fast decoupled releases and an incredible sense of mutual trust.

Spotify Model for Engineering Culture - Part 2/3

This week, Ricardo presents part 2 of 3 about the engineering culture created by Spotify to manage and deliver projects. The Spotify model aims to shape a culture of self-organized, autonomous teams, where independence and alignment combined with a strong focus on people and motivation aim to bring agility at scale with fast decoupled releases and an incredible sense of mutual trust.

Spotify Model for Engineering Culture - Part 1/3

This week, Ricardo kicks off a series of 3 episodes about the engineering culture created by Spotify to manage and deliver projects. The Spotify model aims to shape a culture of self-organized, autonomous teams, where independence and alignment combined with a strong focus on people and motivation aim to bring agility at scale with fast decoupled releases and an incredible sense of mutual trust.

Agility and Agile are Not Necessarily the Same Thing

In this episode, Ricardo discusses the organizational and individual behaviour that shapes the concept of agility: rapid decision making, flat structure, decision close to the execution, adaptation to change. He also discusses the Agile methods or approaches that intends to help organizations embed the concept of agility inside their organizations. However, the problem goes above and beyond a technique.

Planning the Return to the Office during COVID-19 Times

In this week's episode, Ricardo discusses how you can benefit from planning a potential return to the office during the COVID-19 pandemic. With conditions improving in several countries, and people going back to work, it becomes imperative that we address 3 different fronts in our approach: Leadership, Operational/Tactical, and Business/Liquidity/Sales.

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Published in 2020
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Last updated at: Jul 22, 2024
About the podcast statistics Starting in December 2020, the podcast total view count includes the views on the website plus the download statistics from Amazon's S3, where the files are hosted, and also statistics generated from applications including Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Soundcloud, etc. that consume the podcast RSS feeds.
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