2008 – All Episodes


Notice: The 2008 episodes were only recorded in Portuguese.

Knowledge Management

In this podcast Ricardo Vargas talks about the importance of knowledge management in the field of project management. Starting from the knowledge obtained from previous projects, the project manager can optimize his/her project and avoid risk situations that happened in other projects. Ricardo also shows the importance of disseminating the knowledge and documenting the project. This podcast was recorded only in Brazilian Portuguese.

Product Management x Project Management

In this podcast, Ricardo tries to differentiate the concept of project management and product management (management of the product generated by the project. Despite the same origin, the approach strategies of these 2 management practices are significantly different. This podcast was recorded only in Brazilian Portuguese. The link below is for the Brazilian Portuguese version.

Change Management in Projects

In this episode, Ricardo talks about the displacement of positions caused by changes and the importance of communication while managing changes in projects. Ricardo also points out that every change is easier to assimilate when the information is reasonable, justifiable and not imposed, thus generating more credibility to the project.


In this podcast Ricardo Vargas talks about wages in project management, adding that this is a controversial issue. He also explains the best ways to identify a junior and a senior manager, along with their average wages in Brazil. This podcast was recorded only in Brazilian Portuguese. The link below is for the Brazilian Portuguese version.

Maturity Models

In this podcast, Ricardo talks about the project management maturity models and their different kinds. He explains that companies with higher maturity in project management have better processes and higher success rates in their projects, whereas companies with less maturity have higher failure rates in their projects. This podcast was recorded only in Brazilian Portuguese. The link below is for the Brazilian Portuguese version.

PMP Part 1 - Eligibility

In this podcast, Ricardo presents the first podcast of a series of 3 about the PMP certification. He explains the requirements of professional experience and number of hours to obtain the eligibility from PMI to take the exam. This podcast was recorded only in Brazilian Portuguese. The link below is for the Brazilian Portuguese version.

Rolling Wave Planning

In this podcast, the Ricardo talks about Rolling Wave Planning. He explained that the planning is more detail in the near term and detail in high level in the far term. Ricardo notes that this procedure is indicated when the project has a long duration (more than 1 year), where the horizon and estimate of cost and time is poor. This podcast was recorded only in Brazilian Portuguese. The link below is for the Brazilian Portuguese version.

Decision Making

In this podcast, Ricardo Vargas talks about the complexity of decision making and the importance of the right time to do it. Often, the project manager doesn't have enough time to find a problem and needs a quick response not to cripple the project. This podcast was recorded only in Brazilian Portuguese. The link below is for the Brazilian Portuguese version.

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Published in 2008
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Last updated at: Feb 17, 2025
About the podcast statistics Starting in December 2020, the podcast total view count includes the views on the website plus the download statistics from Amazon's S3, where the files are hosted, and also statistics generated from applications including Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Soundcloud, etc. that consume the podcast RSS feeds.
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