2008 – All Episodes


Notice: The 2008 episodes were only recorded in Portuguese.

Key Performance Index

In this podcast Ricardo Vargas talks about the KPI - Key Performance Indexes. KPIs are indexes that give the project a numeric result. He explains that these indexes can show the status of the schedule, cost, scope, quality and other issues. Exhibiting information in a graphical way, the project manager can have a fast and effective way of communicating information. This podcast was recorded only in Brazilian Portuguese.

Project Management in the Academic Sector

In this podcast, Ricardo talks about project management in the academic sector (schools and universities). He also talks about the courses on project management that these institutions offer and the importance to have a Project Management Office to support the projects in the fields of research, medicine, entrepreneurism, etc. This podcast was recorded only in Brazilian Portuguese. The link below is for the Brazilian Portuguese version.

Softwares for Project Management

In this podcast, Ricardo talks about the software that supports project managers and what it takes to be a good tool. He also talks about the importance of having committed companies behind the good tools, so as to assure the continuity of this software. This podcast was recorded only in Brazilian Portuguese. The link below is for the Brazilian Portuguese version.

Balancing life and work in projects

In this podcast, Ricardo talks about the importance of separating work from the private life. Considering the current rush, many times this separation is difficult due to the pressure of the schedules, the due deliveries and the strong competition imposed by the market. The project manager must pay attention to his life and health because it is necessary to balance work and social life in the face of these pressures.

Half Sponsor, half manager

In this podcast, from a suggestion of Alexandre Giordani, Ricardo Vargas talks about the sponsor that wants to manage the project. He explains that each person has a role in the project and that the sponsors role is to give support to the manager and to be a great guardian of the project. This podcast was recorded only in Brazilian Portuguese. The link below is for the Brazilian Portuguese version.

Social and Professional Responsibility

In this podcast, Ricardo talks about the importance of creating the business in a correct manner, that is, how to generate prosperity with responsibility. He also says that project management is one of the best ways to bring prosperity to the world and that during a negotiation you have to foster a relationship where both suppliers and buyers can win. This podcast was recorded only in Brazilian Portuguese.

The Global Financial Crisis

In this podcast, Ricardo Vargas talks about the global financial crisis. He explains that this crisis can be an opportunity for the Brazilians. Ricardo also talks that we need to be optimistic, because even with this crisis, companies need to continue their projects and the Brazilian is accustomed to working in an unstable environment. This podcast was recorded only in Brazilian Portuguese. The link below is for the Brazilian Portuguese version.

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Published in 2008
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Last updated at: Jul 22, 2024
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