2012 – All Episodes

Getting to know the World of Megaprojects: Communications and Teams - Part 3 of 3

In this podcast, Ricardo concludes the series on megaprojects, talking about communication, teams and some success factors. He comments especially the importance of forming the core team of the project as soon as possible and to be careful on planning the outsourcing of some roles.

Getting to know the World of Megaprojects: The FEL Process - Part 2 of 3

In this podcast, Ricardo continues the series of three podcasts about the world of megaprojects. In this episode, he talks more about the concept of FEL (Front End Loading) and its great importance. In the next and final episode, Ricardo talk about teams, communications and how to engage the community in megaprojects.

Getting to know the World of Megaprojects: The Big Challenges - Part 1 of 3

In this podcast, Ricardo starts a series of podcasts about the world of mega projects. What makes a project a megaproject? Ricardo talks about the characteristics, risks, and impacts of the failure or success of a megaproject. He also begins to introduce the concept of FEL (Front-end Loading), which will be discussed in the next podcasts.

5 Ideas to Mitigate the Scope Changes in Your Project - Part 1 of 2

In this podcast, Ricardo talks about how can we minimize scope changes in a project. He explains that we need to have a connection between the functional scope, client-oriented, and the technical scope, that is team-oriented. And that we also should make a plan as detailed as possible. Next week, listen to the continuation of this podcast, where Ricardo will suggest three other control measures:

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Published in 2012
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Last updated at: Jul 22, 2024
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