2021 – All Episodes

Looking back on 2021, Paving the Road for 2022

This episode is the last #5minpodcast of 2021. This week Ricardo shares five key lessons he learned about 2021 that are paving his way to 2022 and can also help you make a better 2022. He also made a LinkedIn article with a few things that are keeping him awake at night. You can read it in full at https://rvarg.as/lookingback. Listen to the podcast to learn more.

How Fragile and Volatile are Businesses: The Facebook, Whatsapp, and Instagram Outage

This week we return to the theme from a few weeks ago, how technology projects are riskier than most people imagined. Surprised by the paralysis of Facebook, Instagram, and Whatsapp, we were more than left out of communication. The damage caused throughout the world by the hours out of the air on these platforms is incalculable. What to learn from what happened? How to deal with this dependence on companies today?

Reflections on the Impact of the Suez Canal Blockage: Reassessing Enterprise Risks

Ricardo tries to see the incident from different perspectives. From the standpoint of Evergreen Marine (ship operator) to the other shipping companies. From the perspective of the Egyptian government to the perspective of countries that rely heavily on global trade. Finally, he discusses your view as someone managing a project that relies on equipment or supplies coming from the other side of the world.

5 Tips to Minimize the Challenges of Virtual Meetings

In this week's episode, Ricardo gives tips for optimizing virtual meetings. As everyone knows, this type of arrangement has become a "nightmare" for many. Endless hours in front of a small screen have become a torment for productivity and performance. There are 5 simple tips that are much more related to discipline and behavior than to any type of technology.

Who Should Make the First Move in a Negotiation: The Anchoring Bias

This week's topic goes back to negotiation and who should make the first offer. Many researchers claim that the Anchoring bias provides an edge to those who make the first offer since the human tendency supports that counter-offers tend to be proposed around the initial starting point. But there is a way around this if you don't make the first offer... Listen to the episode to find out more.

Why Shouldn't You Outsource What You Do not Know How to Do?

This week, Ricardo reflects on companies' benefits and challenges with the visible increase in interest in outsourcing activities, especially concerning outsourced activities due to incapacity and lack of knowledge about work. He ponders the damage that the lack of knowledge, mastery of technology and know-how, can generate in the project's sustainability and its benefits.

Understanding the Major Global Risks with the WEF Global Risk Report 2021

The WEF just published the Global Risk Report 2021. In its 16th edition, the report addresses the significant global risks like war, natural disasters, infectious diseases, and several other events and hazards that could jeopardize companies and governments' operations. In this episode, Ricardo highlights the report's main finds and goes back to 2020 to see how the landscape changed with the COVID-19 pandemia.

Outputs and Outcomes: When Movement Does Not Necessarily Mean Progress

Nowadays, all those leading projects and initiatives only talk about outcomes. In this week episode, Ricardo reflects on the concept that outcomes are everything while outputs are irrelevant. For him, outputs and outcomes are equally important because outputs are the only way to produce outcomes. The problem is the disconnection between the outputs we product and the outcome we want to reach.

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Published in 2021
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Last updated at: Apr 22, 2024
About the podcast statistics Starting in December 2020, the podcast total view count includes the views on the website plus the download statistics from Amazon's S3, where the files are hosted, and also statistics generated from applications including Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Soundcloud, etc. that consume the podcast RSS feeds.
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