2023 – All Episodes


My Insights About Our First Research of Artificial Intelligence in Project Management - Part 2/2

In this "5 Minutes Podcast" episode, Ricardo discusses topics 6 to 10 of the research on AI in project management. Topic 6 reveals that 25 to 26% of experts see AI as a tool to enhance diversity and reduce bias, while Topic 7 highlights the concerns of 75% regarding AI's ethical implications, particularly in decision-making.

360 New AI Applications in the past 7 Days: I Hope This Does Not Hurt Agile Approaches

In this week's episode, Ricardo discusses the rapid emergence of new AI applications on the market. According to one of the most prominent AI Twitter feeds @heybarsee, over 360 new AI applications have been developed in the past seven days. Ricardo argues that the proliferation of technologies employing artificial intelligence is inevitable. However, he also poses the following question:

Why Do We Need to Learn How to Swallow the Fish if We Want to Deliver Successful Projects?

In this week's episode, Ricardo explores a crucial concept for achieving successful project delivery: "swallowing the fish." This idea, originating from the book "Technology as a Service Playbook" by Thomas Lah and JB Wood, is represented by a graph that forms the shape of a fish, depicting a decline in revenue and an increase in expenses.

Understanding Minimax Strategy in Project Decisions Under Uncertainty

In this episode, Ricardo discusses the Minimax Strategy, highlighting its role in decision-making under uncertainty. Instead of focusing on the technical aspects of the algorithm, he explores its philosophical underpinnings. He underscores how this approach aids in prioritizing risks that could inflict the most significant loss on a project.

My Insights About Our First Research of Artificial Intelligence in Project Management - Part 1/2

In the "5 Minutes" podcast, Ricardo discusses the AI-driven Project Management Revolution Research he did with Antonio Nieto Rodriguez, covering critical aspects of AI's role in project management. The survey involved nearly 800 experts from 95 countries. The first insight highlights that 75% recognize AI's potential in project management, though Ricardo expected more enthusiasm.

Organizations Want to Change Everything Without Changing Anything

In this episode, Ricardo discusses the standard rhetoric of change in organizations and individuals. While many talk about the need for change, they often struggle to take action. Ricardo emphasizes the importance of understanding the purpose of change and how it benefits individuals and organizations. Without a compelling reason to change, people tend to resist it due to fear of the unknown.

Zombie Projects: Why They Exist and How to Kill Them

In this episode, Ricardo digs into the uncanny world of zombie projects - the projects that refuse to die despite their draining effects on organizational resources. He explores the mystery behind their existence, highlighting factors such as the fear of failure and the misgivings around abandoning sunk costs.

Will We Need Reports, Templates and Analysis of Our Projects in Times of AI?

In this episode of the 5 Minutes Podcast, Ricardo delves into the implications of AI's rapid evolution, particularly about generating reports and analysis. He highlights using AI-generated insights to replace conventional statements and analytical tools. Ricardo envisions a future where sophisticated AI systems, like ChatGPT, are employed for project management and finance analysis, possibly replacing the need for tools like Power BI or Tableau.

Why People Got Surprised When I Shared My Certificate Last Week?

In the newest episode of "Why People Got Surprised When I Shared My Certificate Last Week?" Ricardo shares a surprising experience. After completing an AI certification program often chosen by younger professionals, many people sent positive notes and called him an "inspiration" for project managers. Why does a gesture like that by someone over 50 and with a consolidated career cause so much surprise and impact? Why is it not the opposite?

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