2023 – All Episodes


ChatGPT, AI and the Future on How we Manage Projects

FULLY GENERATED BY ChatGPT with the transcript of the episode. NOTHING CHANGED FROM THE OUTCOME. This episode of the "5 Minutes Podcast with Ricardo Vargas" discusses chat GPT (Generative Pre-training Transformer), a tool that can generate natural language and improve various aspects of project management, including reporting, decision-making, and reducing workload.

Stop Overthinking With The 5-4-3-2-1 Method to Reduce Anxiety

To help us cope with anxiety, Ricardo discusses a technique he learned from Nick Trenton's book "Stop Overthinking": the 5,4,3,2,1 method. Every day brings new challenges, and it's easy to get caught up in a never-ending cycle of panic and worry about the potential dangers to our work and projects. The method is based on counting down from five to one; at each stage, we focus on a different sense in order to locate ourselves in the here and now.

The Cult of Immediacy is Dangerous and Very Risky for Your Project

In this episode, Ricardo emphasizes the modern cult of immediacy and the impact it has on professionals' patience and ability to concentrate. The younger generation seeks instant results in various aspects of life, including work and learning. This mindset is compared to "TikTok project managers," who expect quick outcomes and shallow understanding.

When Haste Makes Waste: Understanding the Failed Release of Google AI Bard

This week, Ricardo talks about the difficulties inherent in presenting a new product to the consumer. As an example, he mentions the recent launch of the artificial intelligence tool Google Bard, which is a competitor to ChatGPT. Incorrect information was provided in response to a child's question to the James Webb Telescope.

Would you Attempt to Predict the Top 10 Global Risks for 2023?

This week, Ricardo discusses the 18th edition of the Global Risk Report, published annually by the World Economic Forum. This report presents a ranking of global risks and threats, both short-term and long-term. From an operational standpoint, the project or initiatives we are working on can be severely impacted by events that happen far away. Ricardo draws a parallel between the positioning of our project from the global perspective.

Unlocking the AI Potential: Top 5 Courses to Advance Your Skills in Generative AI

In this podcast episode, Ricardo emphasizes the increasing relevance of artificial intelligence (AI) across various professions, particularly in project management. He recommends several free online AI courses, including those by PMI, Google, Linkedin, and Microsoft, highlighting their differences and merits.

4 Ways to Improve The Relationship With Your Boss

In this episode, Ricardo explores the core principles of building stronger connections with our boss and how it is critically relevant if we want to deliver our project and get the work done. It covers how building trust, establishing connections, avoiding negative bias, and broadening our relationships can support a positive professional relationship with our supervisors. Listen to the podcast to learn more.

3 Quick Tips to Use ChatGPT in Your Projects

In this week's episode, Ricardo explores how generative AI, specifically ChatGPT, can transform project management. He highlights the nuances of adapting this technology to your projects, potentially supporting everything from the conception of the Project Charter to risk management and preparation for the PMP exam.

Trust is The Key to Get Things Done

In this episode, Ricardo talks about trust as a critical component to getting things done. He mentions that trust is not just a nice and politically correct word. Citing an HBR article, Ricardo says that trust increases productivity by 50%, engagement by 76%, and energy at work by 106%. Ricardo also shares three tips for developing trust among your teams:safety, consistency, and honesty. Listen to the episode to learn more.

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Last updated at: Apr 22, 2024
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