2012 – All Episodes

5 Ideas to Mitigate the Scope Changes in Your Project - Part 1 of 2

In this podcast, Ricardo talks about how can we minimize scope changes in a project. He explains that we need to have a connection between the functional scope, client-oriented, and the technical scope, that is team-oriented. And that we also should make a plan as detailed as possible. Next week, listen to the continuation of this podcast, where Ricardo will suggest three other control measures:

Directly from the Gartner PPM & IT Governance Summit 2012 in London

In this podcast, Ricardo, directly from London, talks about the Gartner PPM & IT Governance Summit 2012, meeting to address Portfolio Management and IT Governance. He talks about the main topics discussed at the Summit, especially the strategic value and benefits of selecting the projects aligned with the company's strategy.

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Last updated at: Jul 22, 2024
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